Best answer: Where are the deepest parts of the ocean?

The deepest part of the ocean is called the Challenger Deep and is located beneath the western Pacific Ocean in the southern end of the Mariana Trench, which runs several hundred kilometers southwest of the U.S. territorial island of Guam. Challenger Deep is approximately 36,200 feet deep.

Have we reached the deepest part of the ocean?

Vescovo’s trip to the Challenger Deep, at the southern end of the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, back in May, was said to be the deepest manned sea dive ever recorded, at 10,927 meters (35,853 feet).

How many miles down is the deepest part of the ocean?

Then explain to students that the Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean and the deepest location on Earth. It is 11,034 meters (36,201 feet) deep, which is almost 7 miles.

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Is there anywhere deeper than the Mariana Trench?

Originally Answered: Is there a place deeper than the Mariana Trench? Yes, but you can’t go there. It’s only 9 inches wide. It’s the Kola Superdeep Borehole, 12,262 meters deep, around 1300m deeper than the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.

What are the 3 deepest ocean trenches?

Deepest oceanic trenches

Trench Ocean Maximum Depth
Mariana Trench Pacific Ocean 10,984 m (36,037 ft)
Tonga Trench Pacific Ocean 10,882 m (35,702 ft)
Philippine Trench Pacific Ocean 10,545 m (34,596 ft)
Kuril–Kamchatka Trench Pacific Ocean 10,542 m (34,587 ft)

How deep can a human dive before being crushed?

Human bone crushes at about 11159 kg per square inch. This means we’d have to dive to about 35.5 km depth before bone crushes. This is three times as deep as the deepest point in our ocean.

Why can’t we go to the bottom of the ocean?

“The intense pressures in the deep ocean make it an extremely difficult environment to explore.” Although you don’t notice it, the pressure of the air pushing down on your body at sea level is about 15 pounds per square inch. If you went up into space, above the Earth’s atmosphere, the pressure would decrease to zero.

What would happen to a human at the bottom of the ocean?

The pressure from the water would push in on the person’s body, causing any space that’s filled with air to collapse. (The air would be compressed.) So, the lungs would collapse. At the same time, the pressure from the water would push water into the mouth, filling the lungs back up again with water instead of air.

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What would happen if you were teleported to the bottom of the ocean?

So nothing would happen if you were teleported to the bottom of the Mariana Trench for one nanosecond, although you may come back wet. … Light, which travels at just over 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum, only travels about one foot in a nanosecond.

What lives at the bottom of the ocean?

However, there are more than 200 species of anglerfish, divided into four groups: goosefish, batfish, frogfish, and deep-sea angler. Only females possess the iconic, bioluminescent angling apparatus. Most live at the bottom of the Atlantic and Antarctic Oceans, sometimes as far as a mile below the surface.

Is there a monster in the Mariana Trench?

A second prehistoric monster that may have well lived in the Mariana Trench is this giant marine Mosasaur known as hainosaurus, which scientists think grew up to 12 meters long – about the same length as an average megalodon.

How cold is Mariana Trench?

At the bottom of the trench, the water column above exerts a pressure of 1,086 bars (15,750 psi), more than 1,071 times the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level. At this pressure, the density of water is increased by 4.96%. The temperature at the bottom is 1 to 4 °C (34 to 39 °F).

Why is the Mariana Trench so dangerous?

Because of its extreme depth, the Mariana Trench is cloaked in perpetual darkness and the temperature is just a few degrees above freezing. The water pressure at the bottom of the trench is a crushing eight tons per square inch—or about a thousand times the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level.

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Where are deep sea trenches found?

Deep-sea trenches generally lie seaward of and parallel to adjacent island arcs or mountain ranges of the continental margins. They are closely associated with and found in subduction zones—that is, locations where a lithospheric plate bearing oceanic crust slides down into the upper mantle under the force of gravity.

Which ocean has the deepest trenches?

The deepest part of the ocean is called the Challenger Deep and is located beneath the western Pacific Ocean in the southern end of the Mariana Trench, which runs several hundred kilometers southwest of the U.S. territorial island of Guam. Challenger Deep is approximately 36,200 feet deep.

How are deep sea trenches formed?

Trenches are formed by subduction, a geophysical process in which two or more of Earth’s tectonic plates converge and the older, denser plate is pushed beneath the lighter plate and deep into the mantle, causing the seafloor and outermost crust (the lithosphere) to bend and form a steep, V-shaped depression.

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