Best answer: What is the most dangerous planet in the universe?

0.015% 0.007% 3.5% 64% Page 2 Venus is the most dangerous planet in the solar system: its surface is at 393°C, hot enough to melt lead.

What is the most beautiful planet in the universe?

The planet Saturn is probably the best known and most beautiful planet in the Solar System.

Which planet has been destroyed?

In 1953, Soviet Russian astronomer I. I. Putilin suggested that Phaeton was destroyed due to centrifugal forces, giving it a diameter of approximately 6,880 kilometers and a rotational speed of 2.6 hours. Eventually, the planet became so distorted that parts of it near its equator were spun off into space.

What is the fastest planet in the universe?

Within our solar system, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, is the fastest-moving planet, with an orbital speed of about 48 kilometres per second; Earth manages only about 30 km/s.

What is the prettiest moon?

This week, we present 10 of our solar system’s most marvelous moons.

  • Retrograde Rebel: Triton.
  • Cold Faithful: Enceladus.
  • Volcano World: Io.
  • Yin and Yang Moon: Iapetus.
  • A Double World: Charon and Pluto.
  • 8. ” Death Star” Moon: Mimas.
  • Don’t Be Afraid, It’s Just Phobos.
  • The Moon We Know Best.
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What planet could we live on?

A 2015 review concluded that the exoplanets Kepler-62f, Kepler-186f and Kepler-442b were likely the best candidates for being potentially habitable. These are at a distance of 1,200, 490 and 1,120 light-years away, respectively.

Will Earth eventually die?

However, the long-term trend is for plant life to die off altogether. … By that point, all life on the Earth will be extinct. The most probable fate of the planet is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years, after the star has entered the red giant phase and expanded beyond the planet’s current orbit.

What can destroy a planet?

How and Why Do Planets Die? Most planets can exist for a long, long time, but they can’t last forever. Hungry stars and violent planetary neighbors can completely destroy a world, while impacts and excessive volcanism can render a habitable world sterile by stripping the planet of its water.

Has a planet ever hit the sun?

According to the giant-impact hypothesis, Theia orbited the Sun, nearly along the orbit of the proto-Earth, by staying close to one or the other of the Sun–Earth system’s two more stable Lagrangian points ( i.e., either L4 or L5).

What is the slowest thing in the universe?

Xenon-124, one of the radioactive noble gases, has an extremely long half-life. The half-life of xenon-124, one isotope of xenon, was recently measured to be a trillion times longer than the age of the universe! This is the slowest process ever measured by direct observation.

What planet has lava?

Exoplanet K2-141b is fiery hot world that circles so close to its star that 1 side of the planet features a deep ocean of molten lava.

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What is the most powerful thing in the universe?

Quasars inhabit the centers of active galaxies and are among the most luminous, powerful, and energetic objects known in the universe, emitting up to a thousand times the energy output of the Milky Way, which contains 200–400 billion stars.

What moons can we live on?

In the Solar System’s habitable zone, there are only three natural satellites—the Moon, and Mars’s moons Phobos and Deimos (although some estimates show Mars and its moons to be slightly outside the habitable zone) —none of which sustain an atmosphere or water in liquid form.

Which planet has most moons?

Read More

Planet / Dwarf Planet Confirmed Moons Total
Earth 1 1
Mars 2 2
Jupiter 53 79
Saturn 53 82

What is the most hostile planet?

0.015% 0.007% 3.5% 64% Page 2 Venus is the most dangerous planet in the solar system: its surface is at 393°C, hot enough to melt lead. It’s even hotter than the planet Mercury, which is closest to the Sun. Venus’ atmosphere is acidic and thick.

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