Best answer: What is the biggest melon?

Grown by William N McCaslin (USA), the heaviest cantaloupe melon weighed 67 pounds 1.8 ounces (30.47 kilograms) when measured at the US Post Office in Hawesville, Kentucky, USA, on 5 August 2019. The measurements were verified by the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth (GPC). The fruit was of the North Carolina Giant variety.

Is there a fruit bigger than a watermelon?

Jackfruit It is quite a large fruit, larger than a watermelon.

What is the biggest type of watermelon?


  • The ‘Carolina Cross’ produced the current world record for heaviest watermelon, weighing 159 kg (351 lb). …
  • The ‘Golden Midget’ has a golden rind and pink flesh when ripe, and takes 70 days from planting to harvest.

What is the biggest fruit on Earth?

Then again, the jackfruit is not your typical fruit. It’s got a distinctive, musky smell, and a flavor that some describe as like Juicy Fruit gum. It is the largest tree fruit in the world, capable of reaching 100 pounds. And it grows on the branches — and the trunks — of trees that can reach 30, 40, 50 feet.

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Cantaloupe: The cantaloupe is actually a muskmelon, and it has become the most popular melon sold in the U.S. The cantaloupe is fragrant and sweet when ripe. It is also an excellent source of beta carotene and vitamin C.

Which fruit is the healthiest?

The 20 Healthiest Fruits on the Planet

  1. Grapefruit. Share on Pinterest. …
  2. Pineapple. Among the tropical fruits, pineapple is a nutrition superstar. …
  3. Avocado. Avocado is different from most other fruits. …
  4. Blueberries. Blueberries have powerful health benefits. …
  5. Apples. …
  6. Pomegranate. …
  7. Mango. …
  8. Strawberries.

3 окт. 2016 г.

Which fruit is the largest of all fruits?

So far, the largest known fruit was a pumpkin, grown by a human, rather than naturally in the wild. Produced in 2014, it weighed more than a tonne, topping the scales at a mouth-watering 1056kg. This freakish fruit is not quite as outlandish as it may first seem.

Where do the sweetest watermelons come from?

Nat Bradford holds a Bradford watermelon, known for its sweet, fragrant red flesh. The melon was created by Bradford’s forefathers around 1840 and was once one of the most important and coveted melons of the South.

Which state grows the best watermelon?

Florida has historically been the top producer of watermelons and accounted for 19 percent of the 3.9 billion pounds of U.S. watermelon production in 2012. Florida and three other States–Georgia, California, and Texas–accounted for two-thirds of U.S. output in 2012.

Which type of watermelon is best?

Top Watermelon Choices

  • Bush Charleston Gray. (F) 90 days. High sugar content. Small, oblong fruit similar to Charleston Gray except for the smaller size of fruit and vine; weighs10 to 13 pounds. …
  • Bush Jubilee. (AN, F) 90-100 days. Sweet, high sugar content. …
  • Bush Sugar Baby. 75-80 days. Juicy, sweet flesh.
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Why is jackfruit illegal in the US?

This unusual fruit is native to West Africa and is also the national fruit of Jamaica, but it’s illegal to import it into the U.S. If it’s not ripened correctly, its toxins could release a surplus of glucose and dangerously drop the consumer’s blood sugar, which could end up being fatal.

What is the most expensive fruit in the world?

Melons are the most expensive species of any fruit in the world. A pair of Yubari Melan was auctioned in 2014 for $26,000. This melon grows in Hokkaido Island near Sapporo and is a hybrid variety of other sweet melons. This particular watermelon is black.

Why does jackfruit smell bad?

Jackfruit and durian have a strong smell. The ripe jackfruit smell like bubble gum due to a large amount of sugar present in its pulp. Its aroma is like a combination of banana, pineapple, and onion.

Which melon is the healthiest?

Both cantaloupe and honeydew melon are good choices, though cantaloupe contains more antioxidants. A good choice to reduce your risk of foodborne illness is the variety of melon with the honeydew melon rind and cantaloupe flesh.

Is it bad to eat melon at night?

The INSIDER Summary: Some foods are a bad idea to eat before bed — and not because of the calories. Certain foods can cause sleepless nights and digestive issues. Even healthy foods like tomatoes and watermelons should be avoided before sleeping.

What does long melon taste like?

What Does It Taste Like? Mature winter melon has a very mild taste, while the immature fruit is sweet. It’s often compared to the taste of cucumber, with a refreshing, almost grassy flavor. If you’ve eaten the white rind of a watermelon, it’s nearly identical to winter melon.

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