Your question: Which ocean has the longest coastline?

Rank 1
Country Canada
Coastline (Kilometers) 202,080
Coastline (Miles) 1,25,567

Which is the longest coastline in the world?

Coastline: Canada’s coastline is the world’s longest, measuring 243,042 km (includes the mainland coast and the coasts of offshore islands). This compares with Indonesia (54,716 km), Russia (37,653 km), the United States (19,924 km) and China (14,500 km).

Which country has longest sea coast?


Country The World Factbook
Rank km
World 356,000
Canada 1 202,080
Norway 2 83,281

Which county has the longest coastline?

Cornwall is the county with the longest coastline (1,086km) followed by Essex (905km) and Devon (819km). 4.

Does Maine have the longest coastline?

Maine has 3,478 miles of coastline – more than California (3,427), and over 5,000 miles of coast if you include all of the islands as well. Only Florida and Louisiana (mostly bayou) have more miles of coastline.

Which country has no sea?

The maritime trading system has played a vital role in the economic development of the ESCAP region, but twelve of ESCAP’s member countries have no direct access to the sea. Four of these — Afghanistan, Bhutan, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Nepal — are amongst the least developed countries of Asia.

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Which country has most beaches?

Indonesia has the second longest coastline in the world at 99,083 km/61,567 miles. The country’s coastline is famous for its picturesque beaches and great diversity of flora and fauna.

Countries With The Most Coastline.

Rank 1
Country Canada
Coastline (Kilometers) 202,080
Coastline (Miles) 1,25,567

Which is the smallest country in the world?

The World’s 100 Smallest Countries

Rank Country Size (mi²)
1 Vatican City 0.19
2 Monaco 0.78
3 Nauru 8.1
4 Tuvalu 10

What is the longest country name in the world?

What is the Longest Country Name in the World?

Rank Country Name Character Count
1 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 56
2 Independent and Sovereign Republic of Kiribati 46
3 Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe 45
4 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 41

Which country has the shortest coastline in the world?

The coastline of Monaco is the shortest among the world’s coastal nations. The principality of Monaco in the French Riviera has only 2.5 miles of shoreline making it the shortest coastline belonging to one country.

What country has the shortest coastline in Ireland?

Leitrim has the shortest length of coastline of any Irish county that touches the sea. At Tullaghan, the coastline is only 2.5 miles (4.0 km) long. The Shannon is linked to the Erne via the Shannon–Erne Waterway.

Which European country has the most coastline?

Countries In Europe With The Longest Coastline

Rank Country Length of coastline (in km)
1 Norway 58,133
2 Greenland 44,087
3 Greece 13,676
4 United Kingdom 12,429

Which African country has the longest coastline?

Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa (approximately 3 000 km) and claims ocean territory stretching about 120 km off shore.

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What state has the most oceanfront?


State or territory Method 1 (CRS)
Coastline Rank
Alaska 6,640 mi (10,690 km) 1
Florida 1,350 mi (2,170 km) 2
California 840 mi (1,350 km) 3

What Maine is famous for?

Maine is most widely known for its lobster(#1 producer in the United States), its wild blueberries(#1 producer in the United States), its foliage in the fall(89% of Maine is forest, with over 25 billion trees in the state), Acadia National Park’s Cadillac Mountain(first place the sun rises each day in the United States …

Which state has the most shore line?

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the state with the most shoreline is Alaska, with 33,904 miles. Second place is Florida, with 8,436 miles of coastline.

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