Which Surah has longest verse?

The Verse of Loan (Arabic: آيَة ٱلدَّيْن‎, ‘āyatu d-dayn) is verse 282 in chapter Al-Baqara (Q2:282). This verse is the longest verse at the longest chapter in Quran.

Which is the greatest Ayah in Quran?

Ayat al-Kursi is regarded as the greatest verse of Quran according to hadith.

How many words are in the longest surah of Holy Quran?

Surah Al-Baqarah is the longest Surah in Quran consists of 286 verses, 40 rukus and 6201 words.

What is the shortest verse in the Quran?

The shortest verse in the Quran is “حم”. It is located at the beginning of chapters Ghaafir, Fussilat, Ash-Shooraa, Az-Zukhruf, Ad-Dukhaan, Al-Jaathiyah and Al-Ahqaaf. It is also said that the shortest verse in the Quran is “يس” which is located at the beginning of chapter Yaa Seen [36].

What are jinns scared of?

Alkhabal: Jinns who scare people by using their things, removing their items from their places right in front of their eyes and can even cause seizures and epilepsy. According to the Quran, upon reciting Surah Yassin, Surah Baqarah, and Muawadhatein, it causes the Jinn to flee or leave the place they are living in.

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Which Surah is the mother of Quran?

Surah Fatiha is called The Mother Of Quran.

Which Juz is the longest?


البقرة Al-Baqarah The Heifer
Arabic text English translation Audio of sura (ar)
Classification Medinan
Position Juzʼ 1–3
No. of Rukus 40

How many words are in the Quran 6666?

A common myth persists that the number of verses in the Quran is 6,666. In fact, the total number of verses in Quraan is 6,236 excluding Bismillah and 6349 including Bismillah (because surah taobah doesn’t have Bismillah).

Which Surah has most names of Allah?

Al-A’la describes the Islamic view of existence, the Oneness of Allah, and Divine revelation, additionally mentioning rewards and punishments.


الأعلى Al-Aʻlā The Most High
Other names Glory to Your Lord in the Highest, The All-Highest
Position Juzʼ 30
No. of verses 19
No. of words 72

How long does it take to read the whole Quran?

If the reading speed of the reader is good, the entire Quran can be recited in 10 hours. Readers with exceptional speed can do it in less time. Those with average speed require 15 hours. The slowest may require 30 hours or more.

How many times name Allah in Quran?

God’s name in Arabic, ‘Allah,’ occurs in the Qur’an 2698 times, or 19 x 142.

How many RUKU are in Quran?

There are 558 rukūʿs in the Qur’an. In some books, 540 have been mentioned which is actually misunderstood by some people with total rukus of quran recited in Tarawih prayer (special prayer in the Islamic month of Ramadan after the night prayer).

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What is a Jinn God?

Jinni, plural jinn, also called genie, Arabic jinnī, in Arabic mythology, a supernatural spirit below the level of angels and devils. Ghūl (treacherous spirits of changing shape), ʿifrīt (diabolic, evil spirits), and siʿlā (treacherous spirits of invariable form) constitute classes of jinn.

Can Jinn grant wishes?

Although the Djinn can grant wishes to others, these wishes involve the wish-maker sacrificing their souls for what they asked- and the Djinn can even twist their words and taunts around into actual wishes to be used against them if it is phrased properly-, and only the person who released it from the gem can ask for …

What are the benefits of Surah Jinn?

(i) Reading Surah Al-Jinn protects one from the evil actions of an unjust person. (ii) Prisoners secure early release by reciting Surah Al-Jinn. (iii) Those who recite Surah Al-Jinn properly will never face poverty or starvation.

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