Question: Which Sea Is The Deepest?

Deepest Oceans and Seas

  • Pacific Ocean (35,837 ft) (10,924 meters)
  • Atlantic Ocean (30,246 ft) (9,219 meters)
  • Indian Ocean (24,460 ft) (7,455 meters)
  • Southern Ocean (23,737 ft) (7,236 meters)
  • Caribbean Sea (22,788 ft) (6,946 meters)
  • Arctic Ocean (18,456 ft) (5,625 meters)
  • South China Sea (16,456 ft) (5,016 meters)

What ocean is the deepest?

Pacific Ocean

What is the deepest a human has gone in the ocean?

Monday, local time), James Cameron arrived at the Mariana Trench’s Challenger Deep, members of the National Geographic expedition have confirmed. His depth on arrival: 35,756 feet (10,898 meters)—a figure unattainable anywhere else in the ocean.

Which ocean is deepest Atlantic or Pacific?

The deepest point in each of the earth’s oceans are as follows; the Arctic Ocean’s Eurasian Basin at 5,450 meters (17,881 feet) deep, the Indian Ocean’s Java Trench at 7,725 meters (25,344 feet) deep, the Atlantic Ocean’s Puerto Rico Trench at 8,648 meters (28,374 feet) deep and the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench at

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What is the deepest sea in the Philippines?

The Philippine Trench (also Philippine Deep, Mindanao Trench, and Mindanao Deep) is a submarine trench to the east of the Philippines. The trench is located in the Philippine sea of the western North Pacific Ocean and continues NNW-SSE.

Which ocean is the smallest and shallowest?

Arctic Ocean

Could there be deeper parts of the ocean?

Its depth is difficult to measure from the surface, but modern estimates vary by less than 1,000 feet (305 meters). In 2010, the Challenger Deep was pegged at 36,070 feet (10,994 m), as measured with sounds pulses sent through the ocean during a 2010 survey by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

How deep can you dive before being crushed?

To put these depths into perspective, three American football fields laid end to end would measure 900 feet (274.32 m) long — less than the distance these divers reached underwater. Most recreational scuba divers only dive as deep as 130 feet (40 meters), according to the Professional Association of Diving Instructors.

How deep can nuclear subs go?

As a result, the submarines are capable of diving to depths of up to two thousand feet, and crush depth estimates run from 2,400 to 3,000 feet. At 353 feet, Seawolf subs were designed to be slightly shorter than their predecessors, by just seven feet, but with a twenty percent wider beam, making them forty feet wide.

What is the deepest a human has been underground?

The Kola Superdeep Borehole was just 9 inches in diameter, but at 40,230 feet (12,262 meters) reigns as the deepest hole. It took almost 20 years to reach that 7.5-mile depth—only half the distance or less to the mantle.

Has anything been to the bottom of the Mariana Trench?

At nearly seven miles below the water’s surface, the Mariana Trench is the deepest spot in Earth’s oceans. And the site north of Guam is where director and explorer James Cameron recently fulfilled a longtime goal of reaching the bottom in a manned craft.

What is the deepest point in the Black Sea?

2,212 metres

What’s the deepest point of the Atlantic Ocean?

8,486 m

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Which is the world’s smallest ocean?

Arctic Ocean

Is Marianas Trench part of the Philippines?

Philippine Trench, also called Philippine Deep, Mindanao Trench, or Mindanao Deep, submarine trench in the floor of the Philippine Sea of the western North Pacific Ocean bordering the east coast of the island of Mindanao.

Have we explored the deepest part of the ocean?

A robotic vehicle named Nereus has made one of the deepest ocean dives ever — 6.8 miles (10,902 meters), a team of scientists and engineers reported yesterday. At this depth, Nereus was able to explore the Challenger Deep — the ocean’s lowest point, located in the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific.

What’s the biggest ocean in the world?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of the world ocean basins. Covering approximately 63 million square miles and containing more than half of the free water on Earth, the Pacific is by far the largest of the world’s ocean basins. All of the world’s continents could fit into the Pacific basin.

Which ocean has the ring of fire?

Pacific Ocean

How deep is a shallow sea?

Shallow seas are defined as marginal or inland extensions of ocean with average depths of about 200 m. They are also called coastal or neritic waters, and described as those lying landward of 200 m depth.

What’s at the bottom of Marianas Trench?

Challenger Deep

What’s the pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench?

At the bottom of the trench the water column above exerts a pressure of 1,086 bars (15,750 psi), more than 1,000 times the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level.

What’s at the bottom of the Challenger Deep?

Challenger Deep

How far can humans go underground?

Humans have drilled over 12 kilometers (7.67 miles) in the Sakhalin-I. In terms of depth below the surface, the Kola Superdeep Borehole SG-3 retains the world record at 12,262 metres (40,230 ft) in 1989 and still is the deepest artificial point on Earth.

What is the deepest natural hole in the world?

At more than 650 feet deep, Dean’s Blue Hole is the world’s deepest sinkhole with an entrance below water. Located in a bay near Clarence Town on the Bahamas’ Long Island, its visible diameter is roughly 82–115 feet.

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How deep into the earth have we gone?

Deepest drillings. The Kola Superdeep Borehole on the Kola peninsula of Russia reached 12,262 metres (40,230 ft) and is the deepest penetration of the Earth’s solid surface. The German Continental Deep Drilling Program at 9.1 kilometres (5.7 mi) has shown the earth crust to be mostly porous.

How deep has a human been in the ocean?

The Challenger Deep is the deepest known point in the Earth’s seabed hydrosphere (the oceans), with a depth of 10,898 to 10,916 m (35,755 to 35,814 ft) by direct measurement from submersibles and slightly more by sonar bathymetry.

What is the deepest free dive?

He is the current freediving world record champion and “the deepest man on earth”. This title was given to him when he set a world record in the “No Limits” discipline at the depth of 214 meters (702 feet).

Is Puerto Rico a volcanic island?

Volcanic activity is frequent along the island arc southeast from Puerto Rico to the coast of South America. Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, and the Dominican Republic do not have active volcanoes; however, they are at risk from earthquakes and tsunamis.

Is the Black Sea salt water?

It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, and many straits. 90% of the sea has no oxygen. The water is saltwater but less salty than the ocean. During the last ice age, the Black Sea was a freshwater lake.

Why Dead Sea is called Dead?

The sea is called “dead” because its high salinity prevents macroscopic aquatic organisms, such as fish and aquatic plants, from living in it, though minuscule quantities of bacteria and microbial fungi are present. In times of flood, the salt content of the Dead Sea can drop from its usual 35% to 30% or lower.

What is the deepest point in the Red Sea?

The Red Sea has a surface area of roughly 438,000 km2 (169,100 mi2), is about 2250 km (1398 mi) long and, at its widest point, 355 km (220.6 mi) wide. It has a maximum depth of 3,040 m (9,970 ft) in the central Suakin Trough, and an average depth of 490 m (1,608 ft).

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