Question: Which Planet Has Largest Number Of Satellites?

Which planet has the largest number of satellites moons?

Planets With The Largest Number Of Moons

Rank Planet Number Of Moons
1 Jupiter 79
2 Saturn 62
3 Uranus 27
4 Neptune 14

9 more rows

Which planet has largest number of natural satellites?


Which planet has the least number of satellites?

Of the inner planets, Mercury and Venus have no natural satellites; Earth has one large natural satellite, known as the Moon; and Mars has two tiny natural satellites, Phobos and Deimos.

Which planet has the largest satellite in the solar system?

One of Jupiter’s moons, Ganymede, is the largest moon in the Solar System. Ganymede has a diameter of 3270 miles (5,268 km) and is larger than the planet Mercury. It has a rocky core with a water/ice mantle and a crust of rock and ice.

Which planet has the longest day?

So, Venus has the longest day of any planet in our solar system. It completes one rotation every 243 Earth days. Its day lasts longer than its orbit. It orbits the Sun every 224.65 Earth days, so a day is nearly 20 Earth days longer than its year.

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Which planet is named after the Roman god of farming?

Venus was named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Mars was the Roman god of War. Jupiter was the king of the Roman gods, and Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture. Uranus was named after an ancient Greek king of the gods.

Which planet has a lot of satellites?

Just as our moon orbits Earth, satellites have been observed orbiting five other planets: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Which is the fastest planet from the sun?

Check your answers with the correct answers below. It only takes 88 days for Mercury to orbit around the sun. No other planet travels around the sun faster. The planet Venus is so bright in the night sky that you may think it is a star.

Which planet has the longest year?

A Year On Neptune: Given its distance from the Sun, Neptune has the longest orbital period of any planet in the Solar System. As such, a year on Neptune is the longest of any planet, lasting the equivalent of 164.8 years (or 60,182 Earth days).

Which planet is considered as Earth’s twin?


How many satellites are in space?

Since then, about 8,100 satellites from more than 40 countries have been launched. According to a 2018 estimate, some 4,900 remain in orbit, of those about 1,900 were operational; while the rest have lived out their useful lives and become space debris.

Which planets have no satellites Mars and Earth Mercury and Mars Mercury and Venus Venus and Earth?

Small planets tend to have few moons: Mars has two, Earth has one, while Venus and Mercury do not have any.

Are moons bigger than Earth?

However, not all of the moons are smaller than all of the planets. There are seven moons in our Solar System, including our own Moon, that are larger than Pluto. Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System, and Ganymede as well as Saturn’s moon Titan are both larger than Mercury and Pluto.

Which is bigger Ganymede or Titan?

Titan is the second largest moon in our solar system. Only Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is larger, by just 2 percent. Titan is bigger than Earth’s moon, and larger than even the planet Mercury.

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Is Ganymede bigger than Earth?

Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is the largest satellite in the solar system. Larger than Mercury and Pluto, and only slightly smaller than Mars, it would easily be classified as a planet if were orbiting the sun rather than Jupiter.

Do you age slower on Mars?

As you move faster in space, time goes slower. As seen in the movie, “Interstellar,” Earth’s surface has a higher gravity than the Martian surface, so on Mars you will experience your seconds slightly faster than people on Earth.

What is the best planet?

Planets in Our Solar System

  • Mercury. Mercury—the smallest planet in our solar system and closest to the Sun—is only slightly larger than Earth’s Moon.
  • Venus. Venus spins slowly in the opposite direction from most planets.
  • Earth.
  • Mars.
  • Jupiter.
  • Saturn.
  • Uranus.
  • Neptune.

Which planet has the greatest mass?


What God is Earth named after?

Etymology. Unlike the other planets in the Solar System, in English, Earth does not directly share a name with an ancient Roman deity. The name Earth derives from the eighth century Anglo-Saxon word erda, which means ground or soil. It became eorthe later, and then erthe in Middle English.

Are planets named after gods?

Planets. With the exception of Earth, all of the planets in our solar system have names from Greek or Roman mythology. This tradition was continued when Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were discovered in more modern times. Mercury is the god of commerce, travel and thievery in Roman mythology.

Who named Planet Earth?

The answer is, we don’t know. The name “Earth” is derived from both English and German words, ‘eor(th)e/ertha’ and ‘erde’, respectively, which mean ground. But, the handle’s creator is unknown. One interesting fact about its name: Earth is the only planet that wasn’t named after a Greek or Roman god or goddess.

Which planet has clouds of acid?


Why is Mercury not hotter than Venus?

The carbon dioxide traps most of the heat from the Sun. The cloud layers also act as a blanket. The result is a “runaway greenhouse effect” that has caused the planet’s temperature to soar to 465°C, hot enough to melt lead. This means that Venus is even hotter than Mercury.

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How long is a day on Pluto?

Pluto rotates much more slowly than Earth so a day on Pluto is much longer than a day on Earth. A day on Pluto is 6.4 Earth days or 153.3 hours long.

Was there a planet between Mars and Jupiter?

Phaeton (or Phaëton) was the hypothetical planet theorized by the Titius–Bode law to have existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the destruction of which supposedly led to the formation of the asteroid belt (including the dwarf planet Ceres).

Which gas is most predominant in the sun?

Abundance of elements

Element Abundance (pct. of total number of atoms) Abundance (pct. of total mass)
Hydrogen 91.2 71.0
Helium 8.7 27.1
Oxygen 0.078 0.97
Carbon 0.043 0.40

6 more rows

Why is one side of Mercury hot and the other cold?

The hottest planet is Venus.) On its dark side, Mercury gets very cold because it has almost no atmosphere to hold in heat and keep the surface warm. The temperature can drop down to minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Sunlight never reaches into the bottoms of some craters near Mercury’s poles.

Is there water on Titan Saturn moon?

Based on the observations, scientists announced “definitive evidence of lakes filled with methane on Saturn’s moon Titan” in January 2007. The Cassini–Huygens team concluded that the imaged features are almost certainly the long-sought hydrocarbon lakes, the first stable bodies of surface liquid found outside Earth.

Can humans live on Titan?

Titan, the cloudy moon of Saturn, is one of the least hostile places (for humans) in the outer solar system. It has lakes of liquid methane, and even weather. Titan has no water, but some scientists wonder if life based on methane might live on Titan.

Does Titan have seasons?

Seasons. Titan’s orbital tilt with respect to the sun is very close to Saturn’s axial tilt (about 27°), and its axial tilt with respect to its orbit is zero. The day cycle on Titan lasts 15.9 Earth days, which is how long it takes Titan to orbit Saturn.

Photo in the article by “Wikipedia”

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