Which is the smallest known cell?

The size of the cell ranges from 0.5 micrometers to 100 micrometers. Mycoplasma gallicepticum, a parasitic bacterium is thought to be the smallest known organisms with the size from 0.2 to 0.3 micrometer, capable of independent growth and reproduction.

Which cell is the smallest cell?


  • The Cerebellum’s Granule Cell is the smallest cell in the human body that is between 4 micrometers to 4.5 micrometers long.
  • The RBC ‘s size also found roughly 5 micrometers.
  • Most scientists suggest that sperm is the smallest cell in terms of volume.

Which is the largest known cell?

The largest cell is ovum in the human body. The ovum also called egg cell is the reproductive cell in the female body. Ovum is 20 times bigger than the sperm cells and has a diameter of about 0.1 mm.

Is virus the smallest cell?

Viruses are the smallest of all the microbes. They are said to be so small that 500 million rhinoviruses (which cause the common cold) could fit on to the head of a pin. They are unique because they are only alive and able to multiply inside the cells of other living things.

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Which is the smallest living cell known?

Mycoplasma is the smallest living cell which lacks cell wall and can survive without oxygen.

What is the longest animal cell?

Complete answer: Neuron also known as a nerve cell is a cell that is the longest cell of animals which has the capability to get excited by electrical or chemical impulse.

What is the biggest cell in the female human body?

The ovum is one of the largest cells in the human body, typically visible to the naked eye without the aid of a microscope or other magnification device. The human ovum measures approximately 0.1 mm (0.0039 in) in diameter.

Who is the largest cell in human body?

The human egg (ovum) is the largest cell in the body and a nerve cell is the longest cell in the human body.

What is the longest nerve cell in the human body?

The longest axons of the human body are those that make up the sciatic nerve where the length can exceed one meter.

What is the largest cell in the male human body?

The largest cell in the human male is considered to be Neuron or specifically motor neuron.It is also the longest cell in human body. The length of its axon is about 1 metres and has a diameter of 100 microns.

Which is smallest virus?

For the first time – scientists have detected one of the smallest known viruses, known as MS2. They can even measure its size – about 27 nanometers. For comparison’s sake, about four thousand MS2 viruses lined side-by-side are equal to the width of an average strand of human hair.

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Which is the biggest virus?

Comparison of largest known giant viruses

Giant virus name Genome Length Capsid diameter (nm)
Megavirus chilensis 1,259,197 440
Mamavirus 1,191,693 500
Mimivirus 1,181,549 500
Tupanvirus 1,500,000 ≥450+550

Which is the smallest virus in the world?

Structures such as these are unique to the bacteriophages. Animal viruses exhibit extreme variation in size and shape. The smallest animal viruses belong to the families Parvoviridae and Picornaviridae and measure about 20 nm and about 30 nm in diameter, respectively.

Who discovered living cell?

The first man to witness a live cell under a microscope was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who in 1674 described the algae Spirogyra. Van Leeuwenhoek probably also saw bacteria.

Who gave cell theory?

The classical cell theory was proposed by Theodor Schwann in 1839. There are three parts to this theory. The first part states that all organisms are made of cells.

Which are the smallest living cells known and can survive without oxygen?

Solution : Mycoplasma is the smallest living cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogenic to plants as well as animals and can survive without oxygen.

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