Which element has smallest size *?

3A (13)
4A (14)
5A (15)
6A (16)

Which element has smallest atom?

The element which has the smallest atomic mass is Hydrogen (H), which has a proton and an electron. The atomic radius decreases as we move from left to right along the period. And The atomic radius increases down the group. Thus, helium is the smallest element, and francium is the largest.

Which element has smaller size O or F?

Fluorine is smaller than oxygen because as we move across a period the size of the elements decreases.

Which of the following has smaller atomic size?

Explanation: Helium has the smallest atomic radius. This is due to trends in the periodic table, and the effective nuclear charge that holds the valence electrons close to the nucleus.

Which is the smallest atom or cell?

The atom is the smallest and most fundamental unit of matter. It consists of a nucleus surrounded by electrons. Atoms form molecules. A molecule is a chemical structure consisting of at least two atoms held together by one or more chemical bonds.

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Why is fluorine the smallest atom?

An atom of fluorine is smaller than an atom of lithium because with more protons the electrons are pulled closer to the nucleus. … An atom of fluorine is smaller than an atom of lithium because fluorine has a high ionization energy and will not lose electrons as easily as lithium.

Is N3 bigger than F?

Solution: a) N3- and F- are isoelectronic anions, both w/ 10 e-. Because N3- has only 7 protons and F- has 9, smaller attraction exerted by the nucleus on the e- results in a larger N3- ion.

Why is fluorine so small?

The high electronegativity of fluorine explains its small radius because the positive protons have a very strong attraction to the negative electrons, holding them closer to the nucleus than the bigger and less electronegative elements.

Which is larger Na+ or Mg2+?

mg2+ would be the smaller ion this is because each ion has the same number of electrons however mg2+ has a greater number of protons and therefore is more charge dense and the outer electrons feel a greater pull from the nucleus. …

Which is larger mg or mg2+?

Answer. So Mg atom will be larger as it has more electrons than Mg 2+ and thus will have larger atomic radii.

Is Br or Br bigger?

Br – will have the largest atomic size because Br- has one extra electron in its valence shell which due to its unbalanced negative charge will be repelled and hence the atomic radius of Br- will increase.

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Which is smaller CL or CL?

Answer: Uncharged Cl is smaller than Cl-ion. In general, when an element becomes charged the anion will get the bigger and the cation will get smalled compared to the uncharged element.

Which element is largest in size?

Thus, helium is the smallest element, and francium is the largest.

Periodic Trends — Atomic and Ionic Radii.

3A (13)
4A (14)
5A (15)
6A (16)

Which among i i i has smallest size?

Ionic size varies inversely with nuclear charge. Higher the nuclear charge, smaller the radii. Thus P5+ because of the high nuclear charge, has the smallest size.

Which has highest electron affinity?

Halogens has higher electron affinity and it is supposed to be for fluorine, but chlorine has higher electron affinity than fluorine due to fluorine’s smaller size. Hence, among given options chlorine has highest electron affinity.

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