Which country speaks the fastest English?

The Netherlands has emerged as the nation with the highest English language proficiency, according to the EF English Proficiency Index, with a score of 72. It is ahead of five other northern European nations at the top of the chart.

Which countries speak the fastest?

List of The 7 Fastest Spoken Languages in The World.

  1. 1. Japanese: Japanese is the fastest recorded language. …
  2. Spanish: Spanish is right behind Japanese and is nearly as fast with a rate of 7.82 syllables per second.
  3. French. French lags just a little far behind with a rate of 7.18 syllables per second.
  4. Italian. …
  5. English. …
  6. German. …
  7. Mandarin.

14 апр. 2019 г.

Which country has the most English speakers 2020?

Which Countries Have the Most English Speakers?

  • United States: 268M. …
  • India: 125M. …
  • Pakistan : 94,321,604. …
  • The Philippines: 90M. …
  • Nigeria: 79M. …
  • The United Kingdom: 59.6M. …
  • The Netherlands: 15M English Speakers. …
  • Denmark: 4.8M English Speakers.

27 февр. 2017 г.

Which country speaks worst English?

2020 rankings

2020 Rank Country 2020 Proficiency Band
97 Saudi Arabia Very Low Proficiency
98 Oman Very Low Proficiency
99 Iraq Very Low Proficiency
100 Tajikistan Very Low Proficiency
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Where is the purest English spoken?

Anglo-Saxon from Somerset, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire is actually the purest form of English, he wrote – and Bristol is in the middle.

Are fast talkers smarter?

Fast Speakers Are More Credible

In the late 1970’s a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggested that if people talked at a somewhat fast rate (195 words per minute), they were perceived as more credible, intelligent, socially attractive, and persuasive.

Is French faster than English?

What Are The Fastest Languages? … One 2011 study from the Université de Lyon looked at 7 languages, which reported the order as Japanese (7.84 syllables per second), Spanish (7.82), French (7.18), Italian (6.99), English (6.19), German (5.97) and Mandarin (5.18).

What is the smartest language?

English is by far the most powerful language. It is the dominant language of three G7 nations (USA, UK and Canada), and British legacy has given it a global footprint. It is the world’s lingua franca. Mandarin, which ranks second, is only half as potent.

Is British or American English better?

If it’s America, then you should be training to learn American English. But if not, then focus on British English because most other English-speaking countries use British English grammar and spelling standards. … So focus on either British or American English but remember that the other one exists.

Which language is spoken most in world?

English is the largest language in the world, if you count both native and non-native speakers. If you count only native speakers, Mandarin Chinese is the largest.

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How many countries are English in the world?

In 2015, out of the total 195 countries in the world, 67 nations have English as the primary language of ‘official status’. Plus there are also 27 countries where English is spoken as a secondary ‘official’ language. Look at this cool map of people who can have a conversation in English around the European Union…

Which English accent is best?

British accent has been rated as the most attractive English accent in the world, according to a new survey by the CEOWORLD magazine.

These Are The Most Attractive English Accents In The World:

Rank English Accent Score
1 British 68
2 Irish 57
3 Australian 53
4 American 51

Which country is best at English?

The Netherlands has emerged as the nation with the highest English language proficiency, according to the EF English Proficiency Index, with a score of 72. It is ahead of five other northern European nations at the top of the chart. In fact, the only non-European nation in the top ten is Singapore at number six.

What is the weirdest accent?

20 Distinct Regional American Accents, Ranked

  • Yooper.
  • Pacific Northwesterner. …
  • Georgian. …
  • Long Islander. …
  • Chicagoan. …
  • Southern Ohioan. …
  • Floridian. America’s wang is well known for its tourist attractions and for producing the weirdest headlines in the country, from bath salts to diaper-clad astronauts. …
  • New Jerseyan. Oh my gawd! …

14 нояб. 2015 г.

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