Which country has the highest ratio of government spending to GDP?

The country with the highest percentage was Djibouti at 32.44%, and the lowest value was Haiti at 3.58%.

Which country has the highest spending based on GDP?

Countries with the highest government spending as a share of GDP.

Full list of Government spending as % of GDP.

Country Government expenditure
(% of GDP)
1 Finland 53.5
2 Belgium 52.4
3 Denmark 51.3

What is the ratio of government spending to GDP?

In 2019, government expenditure amounted to 35.74 percent of the gross domestic product. See the US GDP for further information.

Ratio of government expenditure to GDP
2022* 36.52%
2021* 37.45%
2020* 47.19%
2019 35.74%

What percentage of GDP is government spending by country?

Country List Government Spending to GDP

Country Last Previous
Finland 53.3 53.4
Belgium 52.2 52.2
Norway 51.8 49.2
Denmark 49.6 50.9

Which country’s government has the most money?


Rank Country Revenues
1 United States 5,923,829
2 China 3,622,313
3 Germany 1,729,224
4 Japan 1,666,454
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How do countries spend their money?

Every country spends money differently, but the largest expenditures are typically on defense, health, and education. Factors like population size and the political environment influence how much is allotted to each category.

How much has the government spent?

Federal Budget. How does the federal government spend its money? Federal spending totaled $4.4 trillion in 2019. About 62 percent of the total was for programs not subject to regular budget review, while nearly 30 percent covered discretionary programs for which Congress must regularly appropriate funds.

What percentage of the GDP does government spending represent in 2020?

In Fiscal Year 2020, federal spending was equal to31% of the total gross domestic product (GDP), or economic activity, of the United States that year ($21.00 trillion). Why do we compare federal spending to gross domestic product?

Is government spending part of GDP?

Government purchases include any spending by federal, state, and local agencies, with the exception of debt and transfer payments such as Social Security. Overall, government purchases are a key component of a nation’s gross domestic product (GDP).

What is GDP spent on?

The expenditure approach to calculating gross domestic product (GDP) takes into account the sum of all final goods and services purchased in an economy over a set period of time. That includes all consumer spending, government spending, business investment spending, and net exports.

Which countries spend the most on police?

How do countries fund their police? Spending on law enforcement varies among similarly wealthy OECD members. At the low end, Finland spends less than 0.5 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP), while Hungary spends the most, at roughly 1.4 percent. The United States spends close to 1 percent of its GDP on police.

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Does government spending help the economy?

Government spending can be a useful economic policy tool for governments. … Expansionary fiscal policy can be used by governments to stimulate the economy during a recession. For example, an increase in government spending directly increases demand for goods and services, which can help increase output and employment.

Which country spends the most on infrastructure?

As a percentage of the country’s GDP, China’s average infrastructure spending in 2018 was 10 times higher than that of the United States. Indeed, China’s investments were significantly higher than anywhere else in the world.

Spending as percent of GDP

Which country has no debt?

Saudi Arabia has maintained one of the lowest debt-to-GDP ratios due to its high export rates, which primarily consist of petroleum and petroleum goods.

Who is richest country in the world?

Many of the world’s richest countries are also the world’s smallest.


Rank Country GDP-PPP ($)
1 Qatar 132,886
2 Macao SAR 114,363
3 Luxembourg 108,951
4 Singapore 103,181

What is the world’s poorest country?

Yet people in countries like Burundi, the Central African Republic or the Democratic Republic of the Congo—the three poorest in the world—continue to live in desperate poverty.


Rank Country GDP-PPP ($)
1 Burundi 727
2 Central African Republic 823
3 Democratic Republic of the Congo 849
4 Eritrea 1,060
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