Which cervical vertebrae has the largest vertebral body?

The 7th cervical (C7) vertebra is the largest and most inferior vertebra in the neck region.

Which vertebrae have the largest size vertebral bodies?

The lumbar vertebrae are located between the ribcage and the pelvis and are the largest of the vertebrae. The pedicles are strong, as are the laminae, and the spinous process is thick and broad. The vertebral foramen is large and triangular.

What is the largest vertebral body?

L5 has the largest body and transverse processes of all vertebrae. The anterior aspect of the body has a greater height compared to the posterior. This creates the lumbosacral angle between the lumbar region of the vertebrae and the sacrum.

What is the most prominent cervical vertebrae?

The spinous process (SP) of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7) is characterized as the most prominent, which makes it an anatomical landmark for the recognition of other SPs.

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Which vertebrae have the longest spinous process?

In humans the seventh cervical vertebra tends to have the longest spinous processes (and is therefore often called the “vertebra prominens”).

Which vertebrae does not have a body?

The atlas (C1 vertebra) does not have a body or spinous process. It consists of an anterior and a posterior arch and elongated transverse processes.

What is the difference between vertebrae and vertebra?

As nouns the difference between vertebra and vertebrae

is that vertebra is any of the small bones which make up the backbone while vertebrae is ; the bones that make up the spinal column.

What is the name of the top vertebrae in your spine?

The Atlas: The Top Bone in Your Cervical Spine

The atlas is also known as C1, and while other bones in your spine are numbered in such a way (eg, the first bone is your lumbar spine is known as L1), this vertebra is much different in shape and function compared to the rest of your vertebrae.

Which vertebrae is the strongest?

Lumbar Spine: In your low back, you have 5 vertebrae that are labeled L1 to L5 (the ‘L’ means lumbar). Some people have 6 lumbar vertebrae. These vertebrae are your largest and strongest vertebrae, responsible for carrying a lot of your body’s weight.

What is L7 in the spine?

The seventh lumbar vertebra (L7) or its caudal articular processes are considered the most frequent sites of fractures, with fracture occurring more commonly than dislocation (Flatt et al., 1974).

Which vertebrae are at the very bottom of your spine?

The bottom of the spine is called the sacrum. It is made up of several vertebral bodies usually fused together as one. The remaining small bones or ossicles below the sacrum are also fused together and called the tailbone or coccyx.

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What are the seven vertebrae in the neck called?

The cervical spine has 7 stacked bones called vertebrae, labeled C1 through C7.

What nerves are affected by C6 C7?

The c6-c7 disc is 6th cervical disc near the lower part of the neck, near the top of the shoulders. The nerve root that would be affected by the c6-c7 disc herniation controls the arms, the shoulders, the heart, the lungs, and more.

Which spinal process has the sharpest angle?

The female sacrum is more acutely curved, with its greatest curvature in the lower half of the bone; it also lies in a more oblique plane, which results in a sharper angle at the junction of the lumbar and pelvic curves. Fig. 8-24 A, Anterior aspect of sacrum and coccyx.

What is 7th cervical?

The seventh cervical vertebra is known as the vertebra prominens because of its prominent spinous process (Fig. 5-14). The spinous process of C7 is the most prominent of the cervical region, although occasionally C6 is more prominent (C6 is the last cervical vertebra with palpable movement in flexion and extension).

What part of the body does C7 affect?

Vertebra prominens (C7)

Its function is to support the skull, enabling head movements back and forth, and from side to side, as well as protecting the spinal cord. The upper section of the cervical spine consists of the first cervical vertebrae (C1) and the second cervical vertebrae (C2).

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