What river in the US has the largest drainage basin?

Parts or all of 31 states plus two Canadian provinces drain into the Mississippi River, totaling 41% of the contiguous United States and 15% of North America. Along with being the largest U.S. drainage basin, the Mississippi also creates borders for 10 states.

Which river has the largest drainage basin?

The Amazon Basin, in northern South America, is the largest in the world. The Amazon River and all of its tributaries drain an area more than 7 million square kilometers (about 3 million square miles).

Which drainage basin is the largest drainage basins in South America?

All basins larger than 400,000 km2 (150,000 sq mi) are included as well as selected smaller basins. It includes drainage basins which do not flow to the ocean (endorheic basins).


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Basin Río de la Plata
Continent South America
Drains to Atlantic Ocean
Basin Area km2 3,170,000
Basin Area mi2 1,220,000

How many drainage basins are in the United States?

There are six generally recognized hydrological continental divides which divide the continent into seven principal drainage basins spanning three oceans (Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific) and one endorheic basin. The basins are the Atlantic Seaboard basin, the Gulf of Mexico basin, the Great Lakes-St.

Is the Mississippi River bigger than the Columbia River?

There the Columbia River ranked out at fourth by volume. … The Mississippi River – 593,000 cubic feet per second. The St. Lawrence River – 348,000 cubic feet per second.

What are the 2 largest river basins in the world?

The five largest river basins (by area), from largest to smallest, are the basins of the Amazon (7M km2), the Congo (4M km2), the Nile (3.4M km2), the Mississippi (3.22M km2), and the Río de la Plata (3.17M km2). The three rivers that drain the most water, from most to least, are the Amazon, Ganga, and Congo rivers.

Which one is the largest basin of all?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of the world ocean basins. Covering approximately 63 million square miles and containing more than half of the free water on Earth, the Pacific is by far the largest of the world’s ocean basins. All of the world’s continents could fit into the Pacific basin.

What is the difference between catchment area and drainage basin?

Drainage basin – the area of land drained by a river. Catchment area – the area within the drainage basin. Watershed – the edge of highland surrounding a drainage basin which marks the boundary between two drainage basins.

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Are oceans drainage basins?

Ocean Basins

Ocean drainage basins are comprised of large river, lake and other types of basins that ultimately drain into an ocean. … Water also flows to this basin from most of South America, central and Western Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The seas of the Mediterranean also are part of the Atlantic Ocean basin.

What is the difference between river basin and drainage basin?

When used as nouns, drainage basin means a topographic region in which all water drains to a common outlet, whereas river basin means an extent of land where water from rain or snow melt drains downhill into a river or series of rivers.

What is the largest watershed in America?

The Mississippi River watershed is the biggest watershed in the United States, draining more than three million square kilometers (one million square miles) of land.

Which tributary of the Mississippi River is the longest?

Missouri River, longest tributary of the Mississippi River and second longest river in North America. It is formed by the confluence of the Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin rivers in the Rocky Mountains area of southwestern Montana (Gallatin county), U.S., about 4,000 feet (1,200 metres) above sea level.

Where does the water go after it falls into a river basin?

River Basin Scavenge

Question Answer
Where does the water go after it falls into the river basin? The water will flow on the surrounding land into a central river and out to and estuary or sea
What is an estuary? A semi-enclosed area where fresh water from a river meets salty water from the sea or ocean
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What’s the deepest river in the US?

The deepest river in the United States is the Hudson River, which reaches 200 feet deep at some points.

What is the fastest river in the United States?

Off the Atlantic seaboard of the United States, the Gulf Stream flows at a rate nearly 300 times faster than the typical flow of the Amazon River. The velocity of the current is fastest near the surface, with the maximum speed typically about 5.6 miles per hour (nine kilometers per hour).

What is the fastest running river in the world?

Which Are The Fastest Rivers In The World?

Rank River Average discharge (m3/s)
1 Amazon 2,09,000
2 Congo 41,200
3 Ganges – Brahmaputra – Meghna 38,129
4 Orinoco 37,000
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