What is your greatest achievement answer example?

Example Answer for Your Greatest Achievement or Accomplishment (Entry-Level): My greatest professional achievement was completing my Bachelor’s degree in 4 years with a 3.8 GPA. … I’m proud of this accomplishment and I feel that what I learned is going to give me a big advantage in my career now.

What is your greatest achievement sample answer?

For example, you might have been named the top salesperson at your company last year. You consider this your greatest accomplishment because you value hard work and making people happy. … You are a hard worker, a positive and adaptable person, and you have excellent communication skills.

What is your greatest achievement sample answer for freshers?

What is your greatest achievement so far?

  • Answer Example. “My most significant career achievement was being the youngest person ever awarded a sales management position at my current company. …
  • Admin. “So far, my most significant achievement was graduating university top of my class while working full time. …
  • Manager. …
  • Marketing. …
  • Retail. …
  • Sales. …
  • Teacher. …
  • Yoga Instructor.
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What is your proudest achievement?

2answers. You describe your proudest achievement in an interview by talking about the skills you used that helped you reach the achievement, as well as the positive outcome tied to the achievement. … Do not make it sound like there’s nothing you’re really proud of if you are asked this question in an interview.

How do you talk about achievements examples?

Here you can add about the things, including:

  1. Recently won accolades at the college/workplace.
  2. Recognition gained from a co-worker or a senior or client.
  3. Academic excellence.
  4. Faculty’s recommendation.
  5. Volunteering experience.
  6. Accomplishments during the internship.
  7. Earning a degree/certifications.

29 сент. 2020 г.

What are some good achievements?

Some examples of accomplishments are:

  • Scholarships.
  • Honor Roll inclusion for high grades.
  • Awards won for specific activities or subjects (i.e., Most Valuable Player (MVP), Fine Art Award)
  • Inclusion in student-related achievement publications (i.e., Who’s Who in American High Schools)
  • Perfect attendance awards.

29 янв. 2018 г.

What is your personal achievement?

1) Personal: received awards, won competitions, achieved high grades in studies, volunteering, participating in sporting events, etc. 2) Professional: saved the company time and money, increased performance, facilitated growth, met and exceeded work targets, etc.

What is your greatest failure sample answer?

Rather than start your answer with “My greatest failure happened when I . . .” begin by defining failure, or what failure means to you. For example: “To me, failure happens when the process breaks down due to unclear timelines.” Or, “Failure is when you make careless mistakes.” Keep your answer as positive as possible.

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How do you write achievement?

List of achievements

  1. Re-organized something to make it work better.
  2. Identified a problem and solved it.
  3. Come up with a new idea that improved things.
  4. Developed or implemented new procedures or systems.
  5. Worked on special projects.
  6. Received awards.
  7. Been complimented by your supervisor or co-workers.

What are your strengths?

Common strengths include leadership, communication, or writing skills. Common weaknesses include a fear of public speaking, lack of experience with software or a program, or difficulty with taking criticism.

What is your greatest achievement for fresh graduate?

Greatest professional achievement examples

  • Sales or revenue increases you have achieved.
  • Any job promotions.
  • Examples of when you have gone above and beyond what was asked of you.
  • Time or money you saved for the company.
  • Industry or work-related awards.

16 нояб. 2017 г.

What are your achievement and goal in your life?

Let’s have a look at some sample answers: I just want to have a good job, a job I enjoy doing, and be happy in my life outside of work. … My goal is to be a good colleague and employee, and to earn a decent salary that will allow me to support my family and the people I love.

What is your greatest accomplishment as a receptionist?

Examples of Achievements for a Receptionist Resume – Right

Consulted regarding a redesign of the office scheduling system, increasing accuracy by 38%. Achieved 95% customer satisfaction score based on feedback forms. Handled successfully 100+ phone calls daily with no complaints during the last 2 years.

How do you show achievements on a resume?

You can mention achievements in your resume summary and work experience section. If you don’t have much work experience, you can also use achievements in education, volunteering, or projects sections. When listing achievements, make sure they include time frame, scale, and results.

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How do you feel proud of your achievements?

Don’t get self-conscious. Don’t get into the whole false-humility thing. Celebrate yourself when you’ve done something great. Because you should always be proud of your biggest and boldest accomplishments.

  1. Enthusiasm. …
  2. Confidence. …
  3. Belief. …
  4. Commitment. …
  5. Consistency. …
  6. Nerve. …
  7. Happiness. …
  8. Shared Celebration.

16 нояб. 2018 г.

How do you describe your accomplishments?

the definition of an accomplishment is something positive which you have achieved. On your resume, you should give specific examples of how your actions helped a situation. It could be a problem which you resolved, something you improved, or something you did well. Everyone has personal accomplishments.

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