What is the number 1 fruit?

Rank Fruit 2018 Production (in Million Metric Tons)
1 Tomatoes 182.3
2 Bananas 115.74
3 Watermelons 103.97
4 Apples 86.14

What is the number 1 healthiest fruit?

Here are the 20 healthiest fruits on earth.

  1. Grapefruit. Share on Pinterest. …
  2. Pineapple. Among the tropical fruits, pineapple is a nutrition superstar. …
  3. Avocado. Avocado is different from most other fruits. …
  4. Blueberries. Blueberries have powerful health benefits. …
  5. Apples. …
  6. Pomegranate. …
  7. Mango. …
  8. Strawberries.

3 окт. 2016 г.

Bananas (13.9 pounds per person) top the list of most popular fresh fruits, while orange juice (17.9 pounds or 2.1 gallons) is America’s favorite juice.


  • bananas – 69%
  • apples – 69%
  • strawberries – 62%
  • grapes – 62%
  • oranges – 54%
  • Watermelon – 53%
  • Lemons – 51%
  • avocados – 46%

What are the 3 foods to never eat?

AVOID: Refined Grains

  • White flour.
  • Bread.
  • Pasta.
  • Rice.
  • Baked goods.
  • Snack goods.
  • Breakfast cereals.

24 янв. 2020 г.

What fruits should be avoided?

Fruits you should avoid if you are trying to lose weight

  • Avocado. Any high-calorie fruit should be consumed less. …
  • Grapes. While they are great for overall health, grapes are loaded with sugar and fats, which makes them the wrong fruit to eat while on a strict weight loss diet. …
  • Dry fruits.
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30 дек. 2020 г.

What is the most boring fruit?


It’s a melon that tastes like water. The name of the fruit literally tells you that eating it is going to the most boring experience of your life. It has the same bland, mediocre taste of all the melons, except the pleasantly chewy melon flesh is replaced by barely-fruit-flavored wet sand.

What are the 5 healthiest fruits?

Here’s a list of 5 healthiest fruits that you should include in your daily diet:

  • Berries. Be it blackberries, cranberries, strawberries or blueberries, berries of all kinds are super nutritious. …
  • Apple. Apple is one super-fruit that can prove to be quite beneficial in your weight loss journey. …
  • Watermelon. …
  • Orange. …
  • Guava.

26 окт. 2018 г.

What is the world’s favorite food?

A new survey carried out in 17 countries has found that pasta is the world’s favorite food.

What is the sweetest fruit on earth?

Mangoes are the sweetest fruits known. As per the Guinness Book of World Records, the carabao mango is the sweetest of all. Its sweetness is derived from the amount of fructose it contains.

Which fruit have more vitamin C than orange?

Kakadu Plums. The Kakadu plum (Terminalia ferdinandiana) is an Australian native superfood containing 100 times more vitamin C than oranges. It has the highest known concentration of vitamin C, containing up to 5,300 mg per 100 grams. Just one plum packs 481 mg of vitamin C, which is 530% of the DV (3).

What fruit is eaten the most in America?

Americans consume a variety of fruits in their everyday lives; a 2019 survey found that bananas were the most widely purchased fruit among U.S. consumers.

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What fruit should I eat everyday?

Citrus Fruits

The Vitamin C champions, including oranges, grapefruit, limes and lemons, also contain B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and copper, as well as anti-oxidants. Make sure you eat the whole fruit instead of juice to get the benefits of fiber.

What is the nastiest vegetable?

Worst Vegetables

  • Brussel Sprouts. The most revolting thing that ever walked the face of the earth next to hominy. …
  • Broccoli. I’ll only eat it if it’s cooked. …
  • Asparagus. People say theyd kill Hitler if given the chance to take out on person in history. …
  • Onion. …
  • Eggplant. …
  • Beets. …
  • Cabbage. …
  • Cauliflower.

What is the most dangerous vegetable?

Thanks to their tough skin and unusual shape, pumpkins rank as one of the most dangerous vegetables (or if we’re speaking botanically, fruits) to cut and prepare.

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