What is the most dangerous time of day to drive?

The most dangerous time of the day on the road is the two hours from 5 pm to 7 pm. During evening rush hour, the roads are congested.

What time is the most dangerous?

The NHTSA reports that most accidents occur during “rush hour,” between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. And according to the NHTSA, Saturday is the most dangerous day of the week to drive, primarily because there are more cars – and more drunk drivers – on the road than any other day.

Is it more dangerous to drive at night?

It’s not just paranoia: Driving at night is actually more dangerous. Fatal accidents are three times more likely at night compared with the daytime, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

What time of day has the least traffic?

The Safest Times to Drive

As far as times, traffic usually picks up in the U.S. between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays due to work. It’s a good idea to arrive at work around 8:30 a.m. and leave at 4:30 p.m. to avoid not only the traffic but potential danger.

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What is the best time to drive on the highway?


The data showed that, across the board, traffic is smoothest on Monday evening. All 18 freeway segments analyzed showed vehicles moving fastest that day between 5 and 7 p.m.

Why is it more dangerous at night?

The night is considered dangerous because most thieves/murderers are believed to strike at night, because it’s much easier to wear grey or black and be almost invisible in the night. … witnesses are gone in the night, or they’re driving a car so they are going too fast to see them.

Which holiday is the deadliest traffic day?

Which Holiday Weekends are Most Dangerous for Drivers?

  1. Memorial Day Weekend. 312 fatal accidents per year. …
  2. Labor Day Weekend. 308 fatal accidents per year. …
  3. 4th of July Weekend. 307 fatal accidents per year. …
  4. Easter Weekend. 280 fatal accidents per year. …
  5. Thanksgiving Weekend. 258 fatal accidents per year. …
  6. New Year’s. 245 fatal accidents per year. …
  7. Christmas. 231 fatal accidents per year.

16 дек. 2019 г.

What are 3 night time driving tips?

Night Driving Tips: What You Need to Know

  1. Clean Your Windshield. …
  2. Check Your Lights. …
  3. Don’t Look Into the Light. …
  4. Increase Distance and Reduce Speed. …
  5. Be Seen on the Side. …
  6. Don’t be Distracted. …
  7. Watch for Pedestrians. …
  8. Don’t Drink and Drive.

Is it safe to drive at 3am?

Midnight to Three A.M., Says New Report. A new report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration showed that most drunk driving accidents, 55%, occur between midnight and 3 a.m. With three out of four fatalities involving alcohol-impaired driving, midnight to 3 a.m. is also the most deadly.

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Can new drivers drive at night?

For the first 12 months, the new driver needs to be accompanied by a driver 25 years of age or older if teenager is driving between the hours of midnight and 5 A.M.. The driver may now drive passengers under 20 without supervision between the hours of 5 A.M. and midnight.

Why is the 405 so bad?

The freeway’s congestion problems are legendary, leading to jokes that the road was numbered 405 because traffic moves at “four or five” miles per hour, or because drivers had spent “four or five” hours to travel anywhere.

What day of the week has the most truck traffic?

It’s true that Saturday and Sunday have the highest number of fatal car accidents, including many involving drunk drivers. But accidents involving large trucks were highest on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Is there less traffic at night?

Less Traffic – There is always going to be more traffic during the day, especially in the mornings 6:30am – 8:30am, and the evenings 4:30pm – 6:30pm, due to rush hour. … There are also less traffic jams to contend with at night.

How can I not be afraid of driving on the highway?

The bad news is, there’s really no way to overcome freeway phobia except by continuing to drive on freeways. Phobias are only defeated by facing them and taking away their power over your mind. Fortunately, you don’t have to face your freeway phobia alone.

Is driving hard at first?

Driving itself is not hard at all, you`ll become more skilled with experience but the main fear of newbie drivers is driving on the roads itself. I stopped being afraid of other cars only after I`ve driven for a couple of weeks. I even stopped being nervous when some pretty dangerous situations happened.

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Is it better to drive at night or day?

Driving at night is a lot riskier than driving in the daytime. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, you’re three times more likely to have a fatal accident at night than during the day.

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