What is the most dangerous snake in Michigan?

The eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) is a unique and fascinating part of Michigan’s natural heritage. It is Michigan’s only venomous snake, and one of only two rattlesnake species that occur in the Great Lakes region.

What is the deadliest snake in Michigan?

Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake. Eastern massasauga rattlesnakes, the only venomous snake in Michigan, are shy creatures that will avoid humans whenever possible. Also known as “swamp rattlers,” they spend the vast majority of their time in year-round wetlands hunting their primary prey, mice.

Can a Michigan rattlesnake kill you?

A bite from a massasauga can be very painful and is potentially life threatening. But, because of the snake’s elusive and shy behavior, people rarely are bitten by them. Ontario and Michigan, the province and state with the most massasaugas, report an average of 1 to 2 bites a year.

What is the most dangerous animal in Michigan?

Here’s what you should know about Michigan’s four most dangerous pests:

  • Black Widow. The Northern black widow spider’s habitat ranges throughout the eastern and central US. …
  • Brown Recluse Spider. The brown recluse is a poisonous spider native to the Southeast US. …
  • Blacklegged Tick. …
  • Mosquitoes.
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13 июл. 2017 г.

What can kill you in Michigan?

The Most Poisonous Pests in Michigan

  • Black Widows in Michigan. The Northern black widow (Latrodectus variolus) is the only venomous spider native to Michigan (Brown recluse spiders are not native). …
  • Paper Wasps in Michigan. …
  • Eastern American and Fowler’s Toads. …
  • Eastern Massasauga Rattle Snake.

8 мар. 2019 г.

Does Michigan have water moccasin snakes?

Northern water snakes are sometimes mistaken for water moccasins due to both having a fondness of water, and are subsequently killed out of foolish and fearful phobias. Water moccasins (cottonmouths), which are venomous, do not occur anywhere near Michigan.

Is it illegal to kill snakes in Michigan?

— Five reptiles and amphibians have been added to a list of “animals of special concern” in Michigan. … It’s illegal to kill or trap those animals or remove them from the wild.

Does Michigan have deadly snakes?

About the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake

The eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) is a unique and fascinating part of Michigan’s natural heritage. It is Michigan’s only venomous snake, and one of only two rattlesnake species that occur in the Great Lakes region.

What does a Michigan rattlesnake look like?

Adult massasauga snakes are usually 18.5 inches – 30 inches long, but the record, according to MSU, is 39.5 inches. That’s more than three feet. Its body is gray or grayish-brown with dark blotches edged in white with spots down the back and sides. It also has a rattle on its tail.

What is the longest snake in the United States?

Did you know the eastern indigo snake is the longest snake in North America reaching lengths of 7-9 feet? Don’t worry though, these non-venomous gentle giants only look intimidating.

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Why is Lake Michigan so dangerous?


Longshore currents are caused by winds and waves hitting the shoreline at an angle and pushing water down the length of the beach in one direction. People caught in a longshore current can find themselves far down the beach from where they entered the water.

What is the most dangerous animal in Lake Michigan?

4 Dangerous Species that Swim in Lake Michigan’s Waters

  • Snakehead.
  • Piranha.
  • Sea Lamprey.
  • Bull Shark.

25 окт. 2017 г.

What big cats live in Michigan?

Only 55 sightings of cougars — which are also known as pumas, panthers and mountain lions — have been confirmed in Michigan since 2008. Click here to report a possible cougar sighting. The animals are native to Michigan, but their population has dwindled to near zero over the past century due to a variety of factors.

What is the most dangerous thing in Lake Michigan?

Swift Currents Are The Real Danger

Not only is this lake massive – spanning 307 miles in either direction – but its shores also run parallel, causing unique wave shapes. Ths shapes of these waves are what contribute to rip tides, which are one of the most dangerous things swimmers can encounter in the water.

What animal kills the most humans?


Source: CNET
Animal Humans killed per year
1 Mosquitoes 1,000,000
2 Humans (homicides only) 475,000
3 Snakes 50,000

Are there wolves in Michigan?

Wolves are native to Michigan and were once present in all 83 counties. … The federal government listed the gray wolf as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973, when the Michigan wolf population was estimated at only six animals in the UP, along with an isolated population on Isle Royale.

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