What is the largest speaking country in South America?

Brazil is home to the vast majority of those speakers (over 205 million) and is the only country in South America where Portuguese is the official language. There are also contingents of Portuguese speakers in Venezuela (254,000), Paraguay (212,000) and Uruguay (24,000).

What is the largest country in southern South America?

Largest countries in South America, by total area (in square kilometers)

Area in square kilometers
Brazil 8,515,770
Argentina 2,780,400
Peru 1,285,216
Colombia 1,138,910

What South American country speaks the most English?

Guyana is the only country in South America with English as the official language. This is a leftover byproduct of British colonization – Guyana gained independence in 1966. Although English is the official language, most Guyanese have Guyanese Creole as a first language.

What are the 3 largest countries in South America?


Rank Country Area (km²)
1 Brazil 8,515,799
2 Argentina 2,780,400
3 Peru 1,285,216
4 Colombia 1,141,748
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What is the largest Spanish speaking country in South America?

Two of the largest Spanish speaking countries in South America are Colombia (about 46 million Spanish speakers) and Argentina (about 41 million Spanish speakers).

Which is the smallest country in the South America?

The Smallest Countries in South America

  1. Suriname – 163,820 sq km. Suriname’s territory covers an area of 63,252 square miles to become the smallest state in South America. …
  2. Uruguay – 181,034 sq km. Uruguay is South America’s smallest nation with an area of 69,898 square miles. …
  3. Guyana – 214,969 sq km. …
  4. Ecuador – 276,841 sq km. …
  5. Paraguay – 406,750 sq km.

Which is the best South American country?

Safest Countries in South America: Ranked

  • Venezuela. Venezuela for a long time has had the reputation of being one of the most physically beautiful and culturally warm countries in all of South America. …
  • Colombia. Colombia’s ascension from the cellar of safety has been well documented and inspiring. …
  • Guyana. …
  • Brazil. …
  • Suriname. …
  • Peru. …
  • French Guiana. …
  • Bolivia.

15 февр. 2019 г.

What is USA official language?

The United States has no official language

Still, the vast majority of people in the United States speak English (about 300 million), which makes it the country’s de facto (in practice, instead of in law) official language.

Does America have an official language 2020?

Although the United States does not have an official language, the most commonly used language is English (specifically, American English), which is the de facto national language. Many other languages are also spoken in the United States, especially Spanish.

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Which is the smallest Central American country?

The smallest and most densely populated country in Central America. The smallest and most densely populated country in Central America, El Salvador adjoins the Pacific in a narrow coastal plain, backed by a volcanic mountain chain, and a fertile plateau.

Which country is bigger Chile or Argentina?

Chile is approximately 756,102 sq km, while Argentina is approximately 2,780,400 sq km, making Argentina 268% larger than Chile. … Chile using our country comparison tool.

What is the biggest Hispanic country?

Countries with the largest number of native Spanish speakers worldwide as of 2019 (in millions)

Number of speakers in millions
Mexico 121.9
Colombia 49.44
Argentina 44.08
Spain 42.92

What two countries have no outlet to an ocean?

Bolivia / Paraguay 21. These two countries have no outlet to an ocean.

What percentage of the world speaks Spanish 2020?

According to the CIA, Spanish is spoken by 4.85 percent of the world’s population and its use is even more widespread than English, which is spoken by 4.83 percent. However, the CIA numbers include only first native languages.

Why do so many South American countries speak Spanish?

Despite the efforts of the Spaniards to impose the language on the natives, the sheer dominance in numbers caused the language to blend with the local dialects. In particular, Mexican and Peruvian natives were able to significantly influence the language spoken today in Latin America.

Are Argentines Spanish?

Therefore, most Argentines are of European descent, and are either descendants of colonial-era settlers and/or of the 19th and 20th century immigrants from Europe, with about 86% of the population being of ethnic European descent. The most common ethnic groups are Italian and Spanish (including Galicians and Basques).

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