What is the largest cranial nerve?

The trigeminal nerve is the largest and most complex of the 12 cranial nerves (CNs). It supplies sensations to the face, mucous membranes, and other structures of the head. It is the motor nerve for the muscles of mastication and contains proprioceptive fibers.

Which is the smallest cranial nerve?

The trochlear nerve is the fourth paired cranial nerve. It is the smallest cranial nerve (by number of axons), yet has the longest intracranial course.

What is the longest cranial nerve in the human body?

The vagus nerve (cranial nerve [CN] X) is the longest cranial nerve in the body, containing both motor and sensory functions in both the afferent and efferent regards.

What are the 12 cranial nerves in order?

The twelve cranial nerves, in order from I to XII are: olfactory nerve, optic nerve, oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, trigeminal nerve, abducens nerve, facial nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, glossopharengeal nerve, vagus nerve, spinal accessory nerve, and hypoglossal nerve.

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What is the thickest cranial nerve?

The trigeminal nerve is the largest cranial nerve.

What is the strongest nerve in human body?

Sciatic nerve, largest and thickest nerve of the human body that is the principal continuation of all the roots of the sacral plexus.

Which is the shortest nerve in the human body?

The trochlear nerve is unique among the cranial nerves in several respects: It is the smallest nerve in terms of the number of axons it contains. It has the greatest intracranial length. It is the only cranial nerve that exits from the dorsal (rear) aspect of the brainstem.

Which side of the neck is the vagus nerve on?

On the right side, it arises from the trunk of the vagus as it lies beside the trachea. On the left side, it originates from the recurrent laryngeal nerve only.

What is the main nerve in your body?

The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest spinal nerve in the human body. Extending from the lumbar and sacral plexuses in the lower back, the sciatic nerve runs through the buttocks and into the thighs. It delivers nerve signals to and from the muscles and skin of the thighs, lower legs and feet.

What is the fattest cranial nerve?

The trigeminal nerve is the largest cranial nerve and is the great sensory nerve of the head and face, and the motor nerve of the muscles of mastication.

What is the 12th cranial nerve?

The Hypoglossal Nerve is the 12th Cranial Nerve (Cranial Nerve XII). It is mainly an efferent nerve for the tongue musculature. The nerve originates from the medulla and travels caudally and dorsally to the tongue.

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How do you test for cranial nerve 12?

The 12th (hypoglossal) cranial nerve is evaluated by asking the patient to extend the tongue and inspecting it for atrophy, fasciculations, and weakness (deviation is toward the side of a lesion).

How do you remember the 12 cranial nerves in order?


  1. O: olfactory nerve (CN I)
  2. O: optic nerve (CN II)
  3. O: oculomotor nerve (CN III)
  4. T: trochlear nerve (CN IV)
  5. T: trigeminal nerve(CN V)
  6. A: abducens nerve (CN VI)
  7. F: facial nerve (CN VII)
  8. A: auditory (or vestibulocochlear) nerve (CN VIII)

What is the most important cranial nerve?

Medical Definition of Tenth cranial nerve

Tenth cranial nerve: The tenth cranial nerve, and one of the most important, is the vagus nerve. All twelve of the cranial nerves, the vagus nerve included, emerge from or enter the skull (the cranium), as opposed to the spinal nerves which emerge from the vertebral column.

What is the first cranial nerve called?

The nerves are named and numbered, based on their location, from the front of the brain to the back. Thus, the olfactory nerve is the 1st cranial nerve, and the hypoglossal nerve is the 12th cranial nerve.

What are the 12 cranial nerves and functions?

The 12 Cranial Nerves

  • I. Olfactory nerve.
  • II. Optic nerve.
  • III. Oculomotor nerve.
  • IV. Trochlear nerve.
  • V. Trigeminal nerve.
  • VI. Abducens nerve.
  • VII. Facial nerve.
  • VIII. Vestibulocochlear nerve.
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