What is the largest body of freshwater in North America?

Lake Superior, most northwesterly and largest of the five Great Lakes of North America and one of the world’s largest bodies of fresh water. Its name is from the French Lac Supérieur (“Upper Lake”).

What is the largest area of freshwater in North America?

Lake Superior is the largest lake in North America and also the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area and the third-largest by volume. Its surface area is approximately 31,700 square miles.

What is the largest body of freshwater in the United States?

Lake Superior, on the United States/Canada border, is the named freshwater lake with the greatest surface area at 31,700 square miles (82,103 square kilometers).

What are the 5 largest bodies of water in North America?

The largest bodies of water in North America are made up of three lakes and two rivers and are, in order: Lake Superior, Missouri River, Lake Huron, Mississippi River, and Lake Michigan.

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What is the largest body of fresh water?

Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world (by volume) and the world’s deepest lake. Somewhat crescent shaped, it is in the southern Siberia area of Russia.

What are the 5 largest lakes in North America?

The Great Lakes are the five largest lakes in the United States and include Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. They are located in the northern Midwest along the border between the United States and Canada.

Where is the largest freshwater lake in the world?

So large that it is often mistaken for a sea, Russia’s Lake Baikal is the deepest and oldest lake in the world, and the largest freshwater lake by volume.

What is the deepest lake in the US?

Washington D.C. Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States and one of the deepest in the world.

Who has the most lakes in the US?

Minnesota has the most lakes of any state.

Minnesota may be the “Land of 10,000 Lakes,” but Alaska is the state of more than 3 million lakes.

What is the biggest inland lake in the US?

List of largest lakes of the United States by area

Rank Name Area
1 Lake Superior 31,700 sq mi
2 Lake Huron 23,000 sq mi
3 Lake Michigan 22,300 sq mi
4 Lake Erie 9,910 sq mi

What are the major bodies of water in North America?

The contiguous United States are framed by three major bodies of water: the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast, the Pacific Ocean on the west and the Gulf of Mexico to the south.

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Who owns Great Lakes?

The water in the Great Lakes is owned by the general public according to the Public Trust Doctrine. The Public Trust Doctrine is an international legal theory – it applies in both Canada and the United States, so it applies to the entirety of the Great Lakes.

What are the five largest bodies of water?

  • Pacific Ocean – 155,556,651 sq km.
  • Atlantic Ocean – 76,761,938 sq km.
  • Indian Ocean – 68,555,923 sq km.
  • Antarctic / Southern Ocean – 20,327,001 sq km.
  • Arctic Ocean – 14,055,930 sq km.
  • Hudson Bay – 4,041,400 sq km.
  • South China Sea – 2,974,601 sq km.

Which is the deepest lake in the world?

Lake Baikal (5,315 feet [1,620 meters])

Lake Baikal, in Siberia, holds the distinction of being both the deepest lake in the world and the largest freshwater lake, holding more than 20% of the unfrozen fresh water on the surface of Earth.

Which is highest lake in the world?

Highest: Lake Titicaca, Peru-Bolivia

By volume of water, Lake Titicaca is the largest lake in South America, and due to its surface elevation of 12,507ft above sea level, is the highest navigable lake in the world.

What are the 6 countries that have freshwater?

It is just because Amazon region this country contains 70% of the total freshwater.

  • Russia. Freshwater (Cubic Kilometre): 4,508. …
  • United States of America. Freshwater (Cubic Kilometre): 3,069. …
  • Canada. Freshwater (Cubic Kilometre): 2,902. …
  • China. Freshwater (Cubic Kilometre): 2,840. …
  • Colombia. …
  • European Union. …
  • Indonesia. …
  • Peru.
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20 сент. 2018 г.

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