Quick Answer: What Is The Largest And Smallest Bone Of Human Body?

Largest and smallest bones in the human body

  • The largest bone in the human body is the femur (or thigh bone).
  • The smallest bones in the human body are the ossicles.
  • The ossicles (or auditory ossicles) are three bones of the middle ear: malleus, incus, and stapes.

Which is the smallest bone in human body?


What is the largest bone in the human body?

Your femur, or thighbone, is the largest bone in your body. The head of your femur fits into your hip socket and the bottom end connects to your knee. The two bones beneath your knee that make up your shin are your tibia and fibula.

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What is the longest thing in your body?

The Longest & Largest Things In The Human Body

  1. The longest bone in the human body is the femur.
  2. The largest artery is the aorta and the largest vein is the inferior vena cava.
  3. The largest internal organ is the liver.
  4. The longest muscle is the sartorius muscle in the thigh.
  5. The longest single nerve is the sciatic nerve in the thigh, counting its branches and axons.

What is the heaviest bone in your body?

thigh bone

Which bone of the middle ear is the biggest and which is the smallest?


What’s the weakest bone in your body?

The femur is the longest and strongest bone in the body. It is located in your thigh. The weakest bone in your body would be the spine or spinal cord. or your nose. You probably mean weakest because of its sheer smallness.

What’s the strongest bone in your body?


What is the hardest bone to break?

The hardest bone to break is the femur. The femur is the strongest bone in the human body. It extends from the hip to the knee. It can resist a force of up to 1,800 to 2,500 pounds.

What is the smallest organ in the body?

pineal gland

What’s the heaviest body part?

The largest internal organ is the liver. It is also the heaviest organ, with an average of 1.6 kilograms (3.5 pounds). The largest external organ, which is also the largest organ in general, is the skin.

What is the hardest stone on earth?

Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring substance found on Earth. But it is not the hardest substance. Wurtzite boron nitride (synthetic) and lonsdaleite (which comes from meteorites) are both harder.

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Are teeth stronger than bones?

Enamel – the hard, outer layer of your teeth – is made of minerals like calcium phosphate. Enamel is harder than your bones. In fact, it’s the hardest substance in your whole body. However, unlike your bones, your enamel doesn’t contain any living tissues.

What is the most fragile bone in the human body?

lacrimal bones

Which part of the bone is the hardest?

The hardest part of a bone is called–bone. Nerves & the blood vessels are found in the part called–bone.

Do humans have bones in their ears?

The ossicles are three small bones that function together to receive, amplify, and transmit the sound from the eardrum to the inner ear. The ossicles are the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and the stapes (stirrup). The stapes is the smallest named bone in the body.

What are the 3 bones in your ear called?

Ear bone, also called Auditory Ossicle, any of the three tiny bones in the middle ear of all mammals. These are the malleus, or hammer, the incus, or anvil, and the stapes, or stirrup.

What is the largest and smallest bone in your body?

Largest and smallest bones in the human body

  • The largest bone in the human body is the femur (or thigh bone).
  • The smallest bones in the human body are the ossicles.
  • The ossicles (or auditory ossicles) are three bones of the middle ear: malleus, incus, and stapes.

What is the easiest bone to break?

What are the Easiest Bones to Break in the Body?

  1. Clavicle. The clavicle or collarbone is located near the front side of the chest near the shoulders and can fracture when pressure or stress is placed on the shoulders or when the arms are stretched out.
  2. Arm.
  3. Leg.
  4. Hip.
  5. Wrist.
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What is the weakest bone in your leg?

Femur – the bone in the thigh. Patella – the knee cap. Tibia – the shin bone, the larger of the two leg bones located below the knee cap. Fibula – the smaller of the two leg bones located below the knee cap.

What is the strongest body part?

The strongest muscle based on its weight is the masseter. With all muscles of the jaw working together it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms) on the molars. The uterus sits in the lower pelvic region.

What’s the most painful bone in your body to break?

Your thighbone (femur) is the longest and strongest bone in your body. Because the femur is so strong, it usually takes a lot of force to break it. Motor vehicle collisions, for example, are the number one cause of femur fractures.

What’s the most painful thing in the world?

Read on to find out the top seven most painful things the human body can experience.

  • Cluster headaches. Doctors still don’t know why these occur.
  • Peritonitis. This infection can spread if it gets severe.
  • Tetanus. You probably had no idea how severe this pain is.
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • Childbirth.
  • Severe burns.

How much force can a human punch?

A study of 12 karate black belts showed so-called reverse punches delivered an average force of 325 pounds, with the strongest measuring 412 pounds. Short-range power punches averaged 178 pounds. Another study found martial artists needed 687 pounds of force to break a concrete slab 1.5 inches thick.

Photo in the article by “Wikipedia” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sesamoid_bone

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