What is the hardest record to beat?

What is the easiest world record to beat?

17 World Records You Could Break Tomorrow

  1. Most CDs balanced on one finger. …
  2. Most T-shirts put on in one minute. …
  3. Most Jell-O eaten with chopsticks in one minute. …
  4. Most sticky notes on the face in one minute. …
  5. Fastest time to place 24 cans in a fridge. …
  6. Most tennis balls held in one hand.

12 нояб. 2014 г.

What are the hardest world records to break?

Here are some records in the Guinness World Records book that you can try beating.

  • Most hamburgers eaten in three minutes. …
  • Fastest time to drink 500 ml of water. …
  • Fastest time to build a 30 level Jenga tower. …
  • Most sticky notes stuck on face in 30 seconds. …
  • Most marshmallows eaten in one minute.

27 апр. 2020 г.

Who broke 6 world records in one day?

Ramkumar Sarangapani. Ramkumar Sarangapani (India) has broken a staggering SIX Guinness World Records titles for GWR Day 2020!

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What is the world record for not moving?

Statistics: The Motionlessness Records from 1967 to now

Akshinthala Seshu Babu stood motionless in Mahatma Gandhi’s posture with a stick for 25:01 hrs in 2001 and for 35 hours in 2002. The record in 2003 was achieved without a stick. On 26/27 January 2015, Babu made one more record attempt which lasted 37 hours.

Who is the youngest world record holder?

Aashman Taneja | Youngest Guinness World Record Holders – Oakridge.in.

What is the longest FaceTime call?

The longest FaceTime call was 88 hours 53 minutes and 20 seconds.

What’s the longest time anyone has slept?

Many of us might wonder how someone can sleep for more than 8 or 10 hours at a stretch. Yet, Peter Powers, a Hypnotist from the UK holds the record of longest sleep to date. He stayed asleep for eight days straight and this feat was even covered by the European media exclusively.

What is the longest time someone has brushed their teeth?

Michael M. brushed his teeth for 45 minutes, 12.70 seconds.

What is the longest hug in the world?

  • The Guinness World Record for the longest continous hug is held by Ron O’Neil and Theresa Kerr at 24 hours and 33 minutes. …
  • The passion for Theresa and Ron to break the Guiness World Record was to raise awareness and money for Juvenile Diabetes Research.

How many records Dude Perfect broke?

The World Record Edition

In one YouTube video alone, titled World Record Edition, the Dude Perfect group breaks 11 records.

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Do world record holders get paid?

Does Guinness World Records pay record holders / make contributions? … For these reasons, we do not pay record-breakers for their achievements or for carrying out a record title attempt. We are also unable to cover any expenses, offer sponsorship or provide equipment for anyone attempting a record.

Who broke the first world record?

As of 2017, Furman has set more than 600 official Guinness Records and currently holds 531 records, thus holding the Guinness world record for the most Guinness world records. He has been breaking records since 1979.

Ashrita Furman
Years active since 1979

What is the longest Tiktok live?

The longest live-stream (video) is 259 hr 46 min 45 sec in duration, and was achieved by Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. (China) in Chongqing, China, from 16 to 27 December 2020.

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