What is the biggest rabbit breed?

The Flemish Giant rabbit is a very large breed of domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus), normally considered to be the largest breed of the species.

How much do Flemish giant rabbits cost?

Flemish Giants usually cost around $20 to $50. However, show-quality Flemish Giants may cost more with up to $300 or more. You can also tap a reliable Flemish Giant website for breeders to help distinguish the costs of housing, food, and accessories for breeding a Flemish Giant.

How big do Flemish giant rabbits get?

Physical Description. There may be no more awe-inspiring rabbit in the world than the Flemish Giant. If one came hopping along, you might at first glance mistake it for a dog. These rabbits weigh 15 pounds on average and can reach a length of 2.5 feet.

How long do Flemish giant rabbits live?

Flemish Giants are still used for meat (especially in stews), but their large bone structure and expensive diet means you’re not getting much bang for your buck. Now, they’re mostly bred for show or as pets due to their docile nature and 8 to 10 year life span.

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How do you tell if a rabbit is a Flemish Giant?

Physical Description of a Flemish Giant Bunny

  1. Body – Long, lean and powerful body.
  2. Head – Should be in proportion to the body.
  3. Ears – erect with a heavy base; should not lop.
  4. Toenails – Uniform color, except in white rabbits.
  5. Fur – Thick and glossy; same length all over; should roll back when stroked from back to front.

Do Flemish Giants poop a lot?

Time. It takes more time to care for this large breed than it does to care for smaller breeds. Because Flemish Giants eat so much more than other rabbits, they also dirty their litter boxes much more quickly.

Do Flemish giant rabbits bite?

Temperament and Personality

The Flemish Giant Rabbit is typically of docile nature. … These rabbits can also be potty trained. One thing to note, however, is that they can become nervous if they are roughly handled, even inflicting serious bites and scratches if they feel that they have to struggle.

Do Flemish Giants like to be held?

Giant rabbits do not like being handled and will often thrash their feet or bite if they are handled inappropriately. Flemish Giants may also bite if they are stroked for too long, or if they feel unable to escape from a situation. They can also become very vocal if they feel unhappy or stressed.

Are Flemish giant rabbits smart?

Personality Flemish Giant. Each & every one of these gentle Giants has his or her own personality. They are very inquisitive, & they are quite intelligent.

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Are Flemish giant rabbits good eating?

Great for meat and fur production and a historic breed that needs to get back up in numbers! … This is a very attractive meat and fur rabbit great dual purpose. Very well liked and used by many homesteaders weighing 8-11 lbs. FLEMISH GIANT- These monsters can grow big, Some that will sometimes weigh 20+ pounds.

Can your bunny sleep with you?

Yes, your pet bunny can sleep in your bed with you. You need to ensure the room is bunny proofed. Also, you want to be sure your rabbit is trained to use a litter box to avoid accidents in the room or the bed. Baby rabbits should not sleep in your bed.

What is the average lifespan of a rabbit?

European rabbit: 9 years

Do rabbits bite?

Natural instincts

‘Healthy, happy rabbits aren’t generally aggressive,’ Rosie says. ‘Sometimes, though, even if your bunnies are well looked after, they may lunge, bite or give a sharp nip. To understand this behaviour, you first need to get to grips with your bunnies’ nature.

Do rabbits have a good memory?

Rabbits have very good memories. They possess what I call orientation memory. Our first rabbit had been in the house only a couple days when we began to feel sorry for her because we kept her in a cage. … Another example of a good rabbit memory is emotional memory.

Can you potty train a Flemish giant rabbit?

Since the Flemish giant is smart, he’s easy to litter-train. Place a litter box inside your rabbit’s pen and he’ll quickly adapt. Once he’s trained, you can allow him free range of your home.

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Are rabbits smart?

Are Rabbits Intelligent? Rabbits are considerably smarter than they are given credit for. Bunnies are capable of using logic to solve problems, and can be taught tricks. They’ll also learn a range of human words.

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