What has the largest atomic radius in period 2?

So, for Period 2, the Group1 Alkali Metal (lithium, lowest Z) has the largest atomic radius and the Group 7/17 Halogens & Group 0/18 Noble Gas (fluorine & neon, highest Z’s) have the smallest atomic radii (there is some uncertainty in the noble gas radii).

Which element in Period 2 has the largest atomic radius?

The atomic radius of an atom increases from top to bottom in a group, and decreases from left to right across a period. So, Lithium is the largest element in the second period.

What is the trend in atomic radius across Period 2?

Atomic radius is the distance from the atom’s nucleus to the outer edge of the electron cloud. In general, atomic radius decreases across a period and increases down a group. Across a period, effective nuclear charge increases as electron shielding remains constant.

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Which element in Period 2 has the smallest atomic radius?

Fluorine is the element with smallest atomic radii.

Which element has the largest atomic radius in period 3?

  • Atomic radius decreases from left to right within a period. This is caused by the increase in the number of protons and electrons across a period. …
  • Considering this trend Sodium is having a highest atomic radius in 3rd period.

What has the smallest atomic radius?

Explanation: Helium has the smallest atomic radius. This is due to trends in the periodic table, and the effective nuclear charge that holds the valence electrons close to the nucleus.

What element has the largest atomic radius?

Atomic radii vary in a predictable way across the periodic table. As can be seen in the figures below, the atomic radius increases from top to bottom in a group, and decreases from left to right across a period. Thus, helium is the smallest element, and francium is the largest.

What is the trend in EA across a period?

Electron affinity generally increases across a period in the periodic table and sometimes decreases down a group. These trends are not necessarily universal. The chemical rationale for changes in electron affinity across the periodic table is the increased effective nuclear charge across a period and up a group.

What is the trend of atomic radius?

Periodic Trend

The atomic radius of atoms generally decreases from left to right across a period. … Within a period, protons are added to the nucleus as electrons are being added to the same principal energy level. These electrons are gradually pulled closer to the nucleus because of its increased positive charge.

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What is the trend in melting point for Period 2?

Trends in melting/boiling point can be complicated because of significant differences in the structure of the element. The melting points and boiling points tend to peak in the middle of Periods 2 and 3 (Groups 3/13 and 4/14) and the lowest values at the end of the period – the Noble Gases.

What number increases from 3/10 to Period 2?

In the periodic table, atomic number increases from 3 to 10 in period 2. Explanation: Atomic numnber is the total number of protons present in an atom. And, when we move across a period then there occurs an increase in atomic number of the elements.

Which has a larger atomic radius S or S2?

(ii) Explain why the radius of the S2- ion is larger than the radius of the S atom. The nuclear charge is the same for both species, but the eight valence electrons in the sulfide ion experience a greater amount of electron-electron repulsion than do the six valence electrons in the neutral sulfur atom.

What factors influence atomic radius?

There are three factors that help in the prediction of the trends in the periodic table: number of protons in the nucleus, number of energy levels, and the shielding effect. The atomic radii increase from top to the bottom in any group. The atomic radii decrease from left to right across a period.

Does atomic radius increase Period 3?

Explanation of this trend

Going across period 3: the number of protons in the nucleus increases so … … therefore the force of attraction between the nucleus and the electrons increases … and the atomic radius decreases.

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Why is the ionic radius of K+ smaller than CL?

Answer: In other words, K+ has bigger effective nuclear charge than Cl− , which translates to a bigger net positive charge felt by the outermost electrons. This will compress the energy levels a bit and make the ionic radius smaller for the potassium cation.

Does sodium or aluminum have a larger atomic radius?

Of protons in aluminium(13) is more than sodium(11). That means the nuclear charge of aluminium is more and the electrons are pulled more ‘tightly’ as compared to sodium. Sodium on the other side has less nuclear charge as compared to aluminium and so the electrons are held comparatively loosely.

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