Quick Answer: What are the safest jobs?

What is the least dangerous job?

Not surprising, then, that some of the best-ranked Jobs Rated careers for environment fall in the BLS industries with the lowest rate of physical incidents. These include Actuary; Mathematician and Statistician; Computer Systems Analyst and Web Developer; and Dietitian.

Which jobs are most secure?

Based on U.S. News analysis, workers in the following occupations have the most job security amid the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Physical Therapist. …
  • Operations Research Analyst. …
  • Respiratory Therapists. …
  • Market Research Analyst. …
  • Marriage and Family Therapist. …
  • Veterinary Technologist and Technician. …
  • Physical Therapist Aide.

20 апр. 2020 г.

What jobs will disappear by 2030?

Join us as we explore 15 disappearing jobs, and find out if yours is safe from automation.

  • Travel agent. …
  • Cashier. …
  • Fast food cook. …
  • 4. Mail carrier. …
  • Bank teller. …
  • Textile worker. …
  • Printing press operator. …
  • Sports referee/Umpire.

7 июл. 2020 г.

What jobs are the happiest?

The 5 Happiest Jobs in the USA

  • Real Estate Agent. Average salary: $53,800. Realtors in the United States are some of the happiest workers across the nation. …
  • HR Manager. Average salary: $64,800. …
  • Construction Manager. Average salary: $72,400. …
  • IT Consultant. Average salary: $77,500. …
  • Teaching Assistant. Average salary: $33,600.
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Is HR a stable career?

HR is a rewarding career field poised for growth. HR specialist even ranked among the Best Business Jobs in America for 2019 by U.S. News & World Report. For many, a “good career” represents a combination of strong employment growth, ample advancement opportunities and high job satisfaction.

What jobs have the most deaths?

Jobs with highest death rate per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers

  • Fishing and hunting: 145 per 100,000.
  • Logging: 68.9 per 100,000.
  • Aircraft pilots and flight engineers: 61.8 per 100,000.
  • Roofers: 54 per 100,000.
  • Construction: 40 per 100,000.

24 дек. 2020 г.

What is the #1 most dangerous job?

The most dangerous job in America is logging. Logging workers had a fatal accident rate that was 33 times the average job nationwide. Logging workers harvest forests to provide the raw material for goods such as wood, paper, and cardboard, in addition to other industrial products.

What jobs are future proof?

The eight most future-proof jobs

  • The eight most future-proof jobs are:
  • Cybersecurity expert. Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly widespread and are also becoming increasingly sophisticated. …
  • Data scientist. …
  • Healthcare professionals. …
  • Marketing, communication and design. …
  • Delivery / Logistics management. …
  • Human resources. …
  • Gig-worker.

Which careers will always be in demand?

We have gathered a list of the top jobs that are always in demand in four fields.

Health care jobs in high demand

  • Physician assistant. …
  • Registered nurse. …
  • Medical technologist. …
  • Medical services manager. …
  • Nursing assistant. …
  • Home health aide.

19 янв. 2021 г.

What jobs will never go away?

What Jobs Will Never Go Away?

  • Healthcare Professionals. …
  • Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives and Nurse Practitioners. …
  • Registered Nurses. …
  • Physicians and Surgeons. …
  • Other Healthcare Career Paths. …
  • Public Safety and Security Professionals. …
  • Police Officers, Detectives and Criminal Investigators. …
  • Court Reporters.
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22 сент. 2020 г.

What jobs no longer exist?

10 Jobs That No Longer Exist

  • Bowling Alley Pinsetter. Image credits: shorpy.com. …
  • Human Alarm Clock. Image credits: laboiteverte.fr. …
  • Ice Cutter. Image credits: sharenator.com. …
  • Pre-radar Listener For Enemy Aircraft. Image credits: retronaut.com. …
  • Rat Catcher. Image credits: retronaut.com. …
  • Lamplighter. …
  • Log Driver. …
  • Switchboard Operator.

Is law a dying profession?

Law is hardly a dying profession — as time goes on, more precedent is set and more laws are made — but legal professionals can definitely be aided by technology. Lawyers spend a great deal of time searching through old court cases, conversations, opinion pieces, and so forth.

What is the laziest job in the world?

If You Think You’re Lazy Then These 15 Jobs Are Perfect For You

  1. Professional foreigner. If you can suit up well and shake hands firmly, then you could get employed in China. …
  2. Professional cuddler. …
  3. Hotel sleep tester. …
  4. Beer taster. …
  5. Video game tester. …
  6. Sleep study participant. …
  7. Movie extra. …
  8. Dog walker.

What is the saddest job?

The top 10 jobs with the highest rates of depression, according to research, are listed below.

  • Public and Private Transportation (16.2%)
  • Real Estate (15.7%)
  • Social Services (14.6%)
  • Manufacturing or Production (14.3%)
  • Personal Services (14.3%)
  • Legal Services (13.4%)
  • Environmental Administration and Waste Services (13.4%)

10 дек. 2020 г.

What is the easiest high paying job?

Top 18 Highest Paying Easy Jobs

  1. House Sitter. If you’re looking for easy high paying jobs, don’t discount house sitter. …
  2. Personal Trainer. …
  3. Optometrist. …
  4. Flight Attendant. …
  5. Dog Walker. …
  6. Toll Booth Attendant. …
  7. Massage Therapist. …
  8. Librarian.
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