Question: What has the thickest wall?

So, the correct answer is ‘Left ventricle’.

Which is the thickest wall layer?

The lignified tracheid and fibre show three layers in their secondary wall the outer layer (S1) the central layer (S2) and the inner layer (S3), among which the central (S2) is the thickest. The S1 and S3 layers lie adjacent to primary wall and cell lumen respectively.

What has the thickest muscle wall?

The ventricles of the heart have thicker muscular walls than the atria. This is because blood is pumped out of the heart at greater pressure from these chambers compared to the atria. The left ventricle also has a thicker muscular wall than the right ventricle, as seen in the adjacent image.

Where is lignin found?

Lignin is found in the middle lamella, as well as in the secondary cell wall of xylem vessels and the fibers that strengthen plants. It is also found in epidermal and occasionally hypodermal cell walls of some plants.

Is plastic a cell wall?

Plastics. Cell wall plastics such as lignin, cutin, and suberin all contain a variety of organic compounds cross-linked into tight three-dimensional networks that strengthen cell walls and make them more resistant to fungal and bacterial attack.

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Why does the left ventricle have the thickest wall?

The left ventricle of your heart is larger and thicker than the right ventricle. This is because it has to pump the blood further around the body, and against higher pressure, compared with the right ventricle.

Why do ventricles have thick walls?

Their muscular walls are thicker than the atria because they have to pump blood out of the heart. … This is because the left ventricle has to pump blood at a higher pressure so that it reaches all areas of the body (including the fingers and toes) but the right side only has to pump blood to the lungs.

Which is the thinnest chamber of the heart?

The myocardium is thinnest within the atria, as these chambers primarily fill through passive blood flow. The right ventricle myocardium is thicker than the atrial myocardium, as this muscle must pump all blood returning to the heart into the lungs for oxygenation.

Is lignin edible?

Lignin, one of the three main components of non-edible, lignocellulosic biomass, is a renewable feedstock with great potential.

Is lignin a sugar?

Lignin is not a sugar, but is rather a compound containing about 40 oxygenated phenylpropane units, as well as coniferyl, sinapyl, and p-coumaryl alcohols that have undergone a dehydrogenative polymerization process [13,14]. … Lignin displays a greater resistance to digestion than the other naturally occurring compound.

What is lignin made of?

Lignin is mainly made from coniferyl alcohol, p-coumaryl alcohol, and sinapyl alcohol. Lignins fill the place between the cell membranes of ligneous plants and convert them into wood, thereby resulting in a mixed body of pressure-resistant lignin and cellulose possessing good tensile strength.

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What are the 3 layers of the cell wall?

A plant cell wall is arranged in layers and contains cellulose microfibrils, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, and soluble protein. These components are organized into three major layers: the primary cell wall, the middle lamella, and the secondary cell wall (not pictured).

Does a tree have cell walls?

Tree cells have rigid cell walls, a large central vacuole, and chloroplasts.

Do plastic have cells?

As originally conceived, most foamed plastics were completely cellular in structure; today, it is possible to arrange the cells so that a product may have an essentially solid skin surface and a cellular core. The ways in which the cellular structure is produced in plastics vary widely.

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