Best answer: What is the second largest moon?

Titan is the second largest moon in our solar system. Only Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is larger, by just 2 percent. Titan is bigger than Earth’s moon, and larger than even the planet Mercury.

What are the five largest moons?

Largest moons in the Solar System (diameter over 1,000 km)
Moon Planet Mass (planet = 1)
Ganymede Jupiter 7.80 x 10–5
Titan Saturn 2.37 x 10–4
Callisto Jupiter 5.67 x 10–5

What is Jupiter’s second biggest moon?

Size and Distance. Callisto is Jupiter’s second largest moon after Ganymede and it’s the third largest moon in our solar system.

Can we live on Titan?

Habitability. Robert Zubrin has pointed out that Titan possesses an abundance of all the elements necessary to support life, saying “In certain ways, Titan is the most hospitable extraterrestrial world within our solar system for human colonization.” The atmosphere contains plentiful nitrogen and methane.

How big is Titan vs Earth?

Frequently described as a planet-like moon, Titan is 50% larger (in diameter) than Earth’s Moon and 80% more massive. It is the second-largest moon in the Solar System after Jupiter’s moon Ganymede, and is larger than the planet Mercury, but only 40% as massive.

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What is Neptunes biggest moon?

Triton is the largest of Neptune’s 13 moons. It is unusual because it is the only large moon in our solar system that orbits in the opposite direction of its planet’s rotation―a retrograde orbit.

What planet has 27 moons?

Read More

Planet / Dwarf Planet Confirmed Moons Provisional Moons
Jupiter 53 26
Saturn 53 29
Uranus 27
Neptune 14

What is the largest moon of Jupiter?

Ganymede. Ganymede is the largest satellite in our solar system.

What are the 4 moons of Jupiter called?

The planet Jupiter’s four largest moons, or satellites, are called the Galilean moons, after Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, who observed them in 1610. The German astronomer Simon Marius apparently discovered them around the same time.

What are the 4 biggest moons of Jupiter?

This ‘family portrait’ shows a composite of images of Jupiter, including it’s Great Red Spot, and its four largest moons. From top to bottom, the moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

Is there gold on the moon?

There is water on the moon … along with a long list of other compounds, including, mercury, gold and silver. … Turns out the moon not only has water, but it’s wetter than some places on earth, such as the Sahara desert.

Can Kepler 22b sustain life?

Such planets have the right distance from their star to support water, plus a suitable temperature and atmosphere to support life. “We have now got good planet confirmation with Kepler-22b,” said Bill Borucki, Kepler principal investigator at NASA Ames Research Center.

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Is there gold in space?

As it turns out, there’s a giant asteroid that contains enough gold and other metals to make everyone on Earth a multibillionaire. And NASA uses gold to protect spacecraft from radiation. With all the gold out in space, extraterrestrial mining is a real possibility.

Can we live on Saturn?

While planet Saturn is an unlikely place for living things to take hold, the same is not true of some of its many moons. Satellites like Enceladus and Titan, home to internal oceans, could possibly support life.

What is the biggest moon?

Ganymede is the largest and most massive moon in the Solar System. Its diameter of 5,268 km is 0.41 times that of Earth, 0.77 times that of Mars, 1.02 times that of Saturn’s Titan (Solar System’s second largest moon), 1.08 times Mercury’s, 1.09 times Callisto’s, 1.45 times Io’s and 1.51 times the Moon’s.

What planets could we live on?

A 2015 review concluded that the exoplanets Kepler-62f, Kepler-186f and Kepler-442b were likely the best candidates for being potentially habitable. These are at a distance of 1,200, 490 and 1,120 light-years away, respectively.

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