Best answer: What is the largest organelle in a plant cell?

In a Plant cell, Plastids are the largest cell organelle.

What is the biggest part of a plant cell?

The vacuole is the largest cell organelle of a plant cell .

What is usually the largest organelle in a cell?

The nucleus, the largest organelle in eukaryotic cells, is surrounded by two membranes, each one a phospholipid bilayer containing many different types of proteins.

Which is the largest cell organelle present in plant cell class 9?

Chloroplast is the largest organelle present in the cell. It is 10 micrometer long and 2 micrometers thick. It is mainly present in the plant cells and involved in the process of photosynthesis.

Which is the largest cell?

The largest cell is ovum in the human body. The ovum also called egg cell is the reproductive cell in the female body. Ovum is 20 times bigger than the sperm cells and has a diameter of about 0.1 mm.

What do plant cells have that animal cells do not?

Animal cells have centrosomes (or a pair of centrioles), and lysosomes, whereas plant cells do not. Plant cells have a cell wall, chloroplasts, plasmodesmata, and plastids used for storage, and a large central vacuole, whereas animal cells do not.

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Do ribosomes contain DNA?

Ribosomes do not contain DNA. Ribosomes are composed of 2 main sub-units – the large subunit joins together the mRNA and the tRNA forming polypeptide chains whereas the smaller RNA subunits reads RNA.

What is the smallest organelle?

The smallest organelle in the cell is the ribosome.

What was the first organelle to be discovered?

In 1833, Brown observed and described the nucleus, the first organelle. In 1838, the many and various observations were converted into a cell theory by Schleiden, who proposed that all plant tissues were composed of nucleated cells.

Which organelle is called suicidal bags of cell?

50 years ago, Christian de Duve introduced the term “suicide bags” to describe lysosomes (1), the organelles containing numerous hydrolases, which were, until the discovery of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, thought to be responsible for the major part of the intracellular turnover of proteins and other macromolecules …

Is acetabularia the largest plant cell?

Ovule of cycas is the largest cell among the multicellular plants. The unicellular marine alga Acetabularia, can reach upto 10 cm in height.

Which is the smallest living cell?

Solution : Mycoplasma is triple layered smallest living cella. It does not have definite cell wall. It is an anaerobic organism.

Which is biggest animal cell?

Caulerpa taxifolia is the largest animal cell. it is an aquatic alga. Largest animal cell is ostrich eggs measuring about 170*135 mm in diameter.

Which is biggest part of human body?

The largest internal organ (by mass) is the liver, with an average of 1.6 kilograms (3.5 pounds). The largest external organ, which is also the largest organ in general, is the skin. The longest muscle is the sartorius muscle in the thigh.

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